Sewage Network and Maintenance of Excavator in DZ
Procurement Process
RFQ - Request for quotation
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Reference Number
eTendering Bidders User Guide in ArabiceTendering Bidders User Guide in English
eTendering Questions and Answers
General Conditions for Contracts
Dear Sir / Madam:
We kindly request you to submit your quotation Rehabilitation of the Sewage Network and Maintenance of Excavator in the City of Al-Mayadeen, Deir Ezzor Governorate in two lots. as detailed in Annex 1 of this RFQ. When preparing your quotation, please be guided by the form attached hereto as Annex 2. If you are interested in submitting a Bid in response to this RFQ, please prepare your Bid in accordance with the requirements and procedure as set out in this RFQ and submit it by the Deadline for Submission of Bids set out in Bid Data Sheet. In case your company is not registered in the E-Tendering Module, please use the following temporary username and password to register your company/firm: Username: event.guest Password: why2change Bidders who will be registered on the e-tendering will be able to download the complete bidding documents from the e-tendering website at: “Bidders can download the complete tender documentation from the e-Tendering upon registration”. You may acknowledge receipt of this RFQ utilize the “Accept Invitation” function in e-Tendering system, where applicable. This will enable you to receive amendments or updates to the RFQ. Should you require further clarifications, kindly communicate with the contact person/s identified in the attached Data Sheet as the focal point for queries on this RFQ. UNDP looks forward to receiving your Bid and thank you in advance for your interest in UNDP procurement opportunities.
Mandatory Two site visit will be conducted: Location: UNDP office in, Deir Ez-Zor Governorate:
Lot. 1: In Al Mayadeen: Date: 9 November 2020 Time: 10:00 A.M.
The UNDP focal point for the arrangement is: Mr. Omran Al-Hnedy Mobile: 0996666139 Email:
Lot. 2: In Deir Ezour City: Date: 10 November. 2020 Time: 10:00 A.M.
The UNDP focal point for the arrangement is: Mr. Omran Al-Hnedy Mobile: 0996666139 Email: