Re-advertised: Individual Contract for Development of Conflict Early Warning and Early Response System (ICT/Systems Developer) - Harare, ZIMBABWE

Link to Atlas Project

00097442 - Justice Delivery


Terms of Reference


Overview :

To strengthen the mandate of the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission by developing a Conflict Early Warning and Early Response System, to be able to identify conflict before it escalates and mitigate harm.

The specific objectives are to:

  • Analyse local, regional and international Early Warning Systems and propose models to customise to the Zimbabwean context;
  • Design and develop a functional technical Conflict Early Warning and Early Response System for the Commission’s approval and adoption;
  • Advise the Commission on appropriate fittings and technical specifications of IT components required for the CEWER system;
  • Develop user guidelines on inputting, processing, referrals, feedback and responses generated from the CEWER system;
  • Conduct Trainer of Trainers training on the use of the CEWER system.

The consultancy will be carried out in six stages: 

  • The consultant will draft an inception report, outlining and comprising of an in-depth desk review and analysis of existing systems on the continent that incorporates regional and international best practice and to analyse and propose models to customise to the Zimbabwean context; the proposed system and system requirements and the pros and cons of the system, methodology, work plan, relevant policies, relevant stakeholders to be consulted, and will present this at an inception meeting;
  • The results of this exercise will be set out in an initial draft guide. The guide will be utilized in the development of the alpha version of the CEWER system;
  • Presentation and review of the alpha (dummy) version of the system by the NPRC and relevant stakeholders with observations and recommendations made by the stakeholders to be utilised in refining the system;
  • Presentation and review of the beta version of the system by the NPRC and relevant stakeholders with observations and recommendations made by the stakeholders to be utilised in refining the system in anticipation for the live launch;
  • Launching of the system for use by the NPRC, and;
  • Training of the NPRC Secretariat on how to use the system.

NPRC and UNDP will oversee and guide the consultant. The consultancy will be directly managed by the NPRC focal person and UNDP Human Rights Specialist with support from the UN Peacebuilding inter-agency technical team.

The NPRC focal person will be responsible for convening, coordinating and supporting the assessment in close collaboration with UNDP and other relevant stakeholders.

UNDP will be responsible for convening, coordinating and supporting the capacitation and development processes in close collaboration with the Peacebuilding Technical Coordination Unit.

Consultant needs to comply with global and local PSEA (Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse) guidelines and standards.


  • Inception Report/inception workshop
  • Presentation of Alpha (Dummy) Version
  • Presentation of Beta Version
  • Live Launch of the CEWER System on NPRC Platform
  • Training of NPRC Secretariat

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