Request for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) including NGOs and/or CBOs for application of Small Grants to conduct public outreach awareness-raising, information dissemination and coordination on transitional justice Wau and Yambio, South Sudan

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00127551 - Support to Access to Justice, Security and Human Rights


Call proposal Transitional Justice Wau_Yambio


The UNDP’s Support to Access to Justice, Security and Human Rights Strengthening progamme aims contribute to national priorities in line with the United Nations Cooperation Framework (UNCF).   In this regard, the programme supports the priorities of the rule of law institutions (Judiciary of South Sudan, Ministry of Justice, South Sudan National Police Service, National Prison Service South Sudan, and Local Government Board).

As part of its support to transitional justice initiatives, UNDP intends to promote awareness, disseminate information and enhance coordination on transitional justice amongst traditional leaders, youth, women and the general public both at national level and in the states. To this end, UNDP intends to partner with civil society to implement initiatives that will ensure that information reach out to the public and create awareness on transitional justice and the agreed upon mechanisms. This call for proposal invites Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) working in Wau and Yambio to submit proposals for projects that will contribute to this awareness-raising.

Expected results:

CSOs are encouraged to develop their own expected results based on their analysis of the needs and particularities of the context and problems. The expected results may include the following:

  1. Awareness-raising campaigns and outreach activities in Wau and Yambio on transitional justice that provides increased understanding of transitional justice mechanisms and the provisions of the R-ARCSS;
  2. A series of dialogues and workshops conducted on transitional justice at state level involving government stakeholders, civil society organizations and traditional leaders;
  3. The generation of knowledge on thematic topics relevant to the transitional justice process in South Sudan through public lectures delivered by experts and compiled and published as policy briefs, research papers or working documents.