Development of M & E framework for the Gambia PACD project

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00066971 - Capacities of Inst for Eco Mgt & Governance Enhanced




The Programme for Accelerated Community Development (PACD) model provides a vehicle for a multi-sectoral approach to addressing poverty and inequality at community level and will help government to respond to social demands through a partnership with development partners to ensure accelerated, multi-pronged, participatory, and accountable delivery of services particularly to far-to-reach populations.

The programme will be a critical response to government’s strive for inclusive development, greater equity and social justice in line with the aims and aspirations of the National Development Plan and SDGs. It focuses on 4 key sectors; water, electricity, rural roads and women’s economic empowerment which has two sub-components; labour saving devices and exotic livestock breeds

The strategy for the project is to identify and target beneficiaries based on needs identified by them. Such needs are identified in several ways:

  1. Community needs/complaints gleaned from the President’s annual meet the people tour

  2. Regional needs identified in the strategic plans of Local Governments (LGA)

  3. Sector specific needs identified by technical ministries and agencies of government

All these different needs identified with different objectives in mind need to be collated and harmonized on a regular basis (annually) and used as a basis for community outreach and engagement to identify and prioritise the most urgent needs as a basis for the PACD annual programme.



Following finalization of the annual programme of work, baseline studies to gather information on the status of the interventions identified will need to be conducted in selected communities. This baseline information will be the foundation of a PACD data base that will progressively document progress made at sector, community, district, LGA and national level and subsequently serve as an important data source for programme evaluation/assessment rand the end of project implement and during subsequent years. The process of planning/needs prioritization is the first stage in the proposed M & E process;

Specifically, the consultant will design a comprehensive planning, monitoring and evaluation framework for the PACD project that will outline methodologies for undertaking the following:

  1. Transformation of the Feasibility study into a medium term progrmme of work that identifies broad priority sectors and geographic areas of intervention. The medium term PACD implementation plan will be fully costed.

  2. Develop framework for Conduct of annual planning/needs identification exercises; using the three-year plan as guide, reaching out to all stakeholders and utilizing all existing data sources to validate/update community priorities for the annual workplan.

  3. Develop a PACD data base that includes a profile of all PACD communities where interventions have been undertaken. The data base shall:

    1. Contain individual community profiles

    2. Be updated periodically as and when new information becomes available

    3. Be capable of providing analysis and reports on status of PACD key indicators at community, district, LGA and national level on a quarterly and annual basis

    4. Be linked to and serve as the basis for a PACD Dashboard that will update automatically as information in the data base is updated.

  4. Develop a monitoring system with reporting guidelines to systematically follow up and document progress of programme implementation

  5. Outline a project evaluation framework for an evaluation of the programme to be conducted at the end of year 3 of PACD implementation


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