National Consultant - Public information officer for the Build Back Better (BBB) programme

Link to Atlas Project

00129047 - Resilient Informal Food Systems


Terms of Reference
Financial Proposal Template
P11 History Form


The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) received funding for a project “Strengthening
Namibia food systems to recover from emergencies and disease-related shocks through the Build
Back Better (BBB) programme”. The aims of the project are to: (i) support efforts towards
strengthening the Namibian food systems to recover from COVID-19 pandemic, emergencies, and
related shocks. (ii) Improve the livelihoods of informal vendors and small-scale farmers in urban
The Project is funded by the Government of Japan Supplementary Budget (JSB) priorities of 2020
and responds to the current socio- economic impact of the pandemic in Namibia. In addition, the
project will take a long-term view of building back better by operating through coordinated (Harambee
Comprehensively Coordinated and Integrated Agricultural Development Programme - HACCIADEP)
mechanisms established by government through the Harambee Prosperity Plan.
However, the project requires as per expectation from the donor continuous communication activities
and engagements with stakeholders. The stakeholders include the various beneficiaries across 4
regions in Namibia. Therefore, the project requires the services of a Public information Officer to
assist in the achievement of communications objectives by ensuring Human Security Approach
(From coordination to integration, Promoting multi-stakeholder partnerships, Localisation
and ‘leave no one behind’, Prevention and Resilience) inclusion in the communication strategy.
The proposed programme will have two interrelated outputs: (1) Safeguarding livelihoods of urban food market vendors through improved hygiene infrastructure (2) Strengthened local food supply chains through innovative solutions and horticulture value chain development activities.