IC 131065 HFC Consumption Survey in the RAC Sector Consultant

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00110607 - Initiation Plan for Ratification of Kigali Amendment


Terms of Reference
Contract Template
UNDP P11 Template
Financial Proposal Template



CONSULTANCY:     HFC Consumption Survey in the RAC Sector Consultant

Country: Jamaica

Post Level: National Consultancy

Type of Consultancy: Individual Consultancy

Deadline: 26 April 2021

Expected start date: May 2021

Period of assignment/services:  35 non-consecutive working days over a three-month period



In 1993, the Government of Jamaica acceded to the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and Montreal Protocol on Substances that deplete the Ozone Layer and has ratified all the previous Amendments to the Montreal Protocol. The country is currently taking significant steps towards the ratification of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer, which is a significant stride in the fight against climate change.


In November 2017, at the 80th Executive Committee (ExCom) meeting, the country was provided with additional resources to undertake a project towards fulfilling its initial obligations under the Kigali Amendment (KA). In accordance with the Executive Committee Decision 79/46, the activities of this project support the ratification process and facilitate the registration and development of reporting tools, capacity building and the development of a national strategy towards the HFC phase down.


It is against this background that UNDP on behalf of the Government of Jamaica is seeking to engage a consultant to undertake an updated survey of the consumption, distribution and uses of HFC refrigerants in Jamaica.


Scope of Work:


Under the guidance and supervision of the UNDP Programme Specialist, the consultant will be expected to engage a wide cross section of stakeholders including chemical and equipment importers, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RAC) Technicians and importers to facilitate a survey of the consumption patterns of HFC refrigerants in Jamaica. The survey will take into consideration various factors, including energy efficiency, high ambient temperature impacts, potential penetration or limitations of alternatives and their implications on the different sectors, servicing and maintenance requirements, international design and safety standards.


For the detailed terms of reference (TOR) please visit our website at  https://www.jm.undp.org/content/jamaica/en/home/procurement.html


Application Procedure:

Visit our website:    https://www.jm.undp.org/content/jamaica/en/home/procurement.html  

for the TOR and follow the instructions for submission.


Please e-mail your submission using the following:

Attention:- Operations Unit, 1-3 Lady Musgrave Road, Kingston 5, Jamaica via e-mail to: procurement.jamaica@undp.org  with subject line “IC 131065  HFC Consumption Survey in the RAC Sector Consultant


Failure to submit all documents as instructed may result in your submission being disqualified. Please send requests for clarification to procurement.jamaica@undp.org; Tel: 1 (876) 469.2029