Consultancy for National Multimedia Firm

Link to Atlas Project

00074214 - Enhancing Resilience of Vulnerable Communities & Areas




Between July 1994 and January 2017, The Gambia experienced authoritarian rule under ex-President Jammeh, which has resulted in significant challenges in the establishment of good governance, rule of law and a culture of human rights since the dawn of a new Government under President Barrow. During the 22 years of Jammeh’s rule, social stability was maintained through state force and coercion, and as a result, Gambians were routinely subjected to harassment, arbitrary arrest, torture, and extrajudicial executions, in a climate of impunity. To address the 22 years of misrule under the Jammeh regime, the Government in 2017 undertook to implement a transitional justice process through the establishment of numerous mechanisms, including the Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission (TRRC) and the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), to investigate past human rights violations and entrench respect for human rights in the country. In addition to this, the Government has also resolved to improve the country’s human resources capacity, its legal and institutional framework, as well as the quality of its strategies, policies, and programmes to consolidate democracy and comply with international human rights standards.  

Based on the request of the Government of The Gambia and following consultations between officials of the United Nations and officials of the Ministry of Justice, the Project “Support the capacity of the Government and national stakeholders to establish credible transitional justice processes and mechanism that promote reconciliation and sustainable peace in The Gambia” was executed in May 2017 and is currently being implemented by UNDP and OHCHR with funding from the UN Peacebuilding Fund. The Project supports the Government implement its reform agenda through the operationalization of the Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission (TRRC), the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) and by strengthening meaningful participation of civil society actors and other government institutions.



The Transitional Justice and Human Rights Project is due to conclude on 30 June 2021, following 49 months of implementation, and is currently undergoing a review of its achievements, as well as documenting challenges, lessons learnt and best practices.

In this regard, the Project seeks the support of a multimedia firm to carry out the following functions:

· Familiarize itself with Project partners, stakeholders, beneficiaries, and project interventions,

 · Support the Project in its capture of key results and accomplishments, including instances of Project catalytic effects,

· Develop the following products:

o 13–15-minute documentary communicating key project results and expected impact (including development of script and screenplay, conducting interviews (including up to 5 regional field visits), and full production of documentary and its 3-5minute teaser)

o Design of succinct brochure (approx. 8-10 pages) communicating key project results and expected impact (including printing of 100 copies)

o Produce 50 actions pictures demonstrating key project results.


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