BBSRO141392 - SDG Fund Coordinator

Link to Atlas Project

00129855 - Blue Economy Finance for SIDS - SDG FUND


Solicitation Document
Annex 1 - TOR
Annex 3 and 4 - Letter of Offerors and Financials
Annex 2 - General Terms and Conditions
Annex 5 - Sample Contract



To apply, interested persons should upload the combined* Technical Proposal/Methodology (if applicable), CV and Offeror’s Letter to “UNDP Jobs” by navigating to the link below and clicking “APPLY NOW”, no later than the date indicated on the “UNDP Jobs” website. Applications submitted via email will not be accepted**: -

UNDP Job Site – (cut and paste into browser address bar if the link does not work)

* PLEASE NOTE: The system allows the upload of one (1) document ONLY – if you are required to submit a Technical Proposal/Methodology, this document along with your CV/P11 and Offeror’s Letter, MUST be combined and uploaded as one.

NOTE: The Financial Proposal should not be uploaded to “UNDP Jobs”**.


**Please email the password-protected Financial Proposal to The subject line of your email must contain the following: “BBRSO##### Financial Proposal – Your Name


If the password for your Financial Proposal is required, it will be requested by the Procurement Unit.

Any request for clarification must be sent in writing to within three (3) days of the publication of this notice, ensuring that the reference number above is included in the subject line. The UNDP Barbados & the OECS Procurement Unit will post the responses*** two (2) days later, including an explanation of the query without identifying the source of inquiry, to: - (cut and paste into browser address bar if the link does not work)

A detailed Procurement Notice, TOR, and all annexes can be found by clicking the above link.

*** UNDP shall endeavour to provide such responses to clarifications in an expeditious manner, but any delay in such response shall not cause an obligation on the part of UNDP to extend the submission date of the Proposals, unless UNDP deems that such an extension is justified and necessary




Over the years, the United Nations has developed several modalities for the many agencies in the UN System to “Work as One.”Joint programming is one of these key frameworks that allow two or more agencies, working with government partners, to articulate, design and implement coherent programming and achieve sustainable results. A Joint Programme is a set of activities contained in a joint work plan and related common budgetary framework, involving two or more UN organizations and (sub-)national governmental partners, intended to achieve results aligned with national priorities as reflected in UNDAF/One Programme or an equivalent programming instrument or development framework.

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Multi-Country Office for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean is currently implementing the joint programme ‘Harnessing Blue Economy Finance for SIDS Recovery and Sustainable Development’ (also known as Blue Finance for the Eastern Caribbean) with various partners in the UN Country Team (UNCT). While these joint programmes can be effective modalities for delivering results, they require effective coordination with other UN Agencies for planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. As such, the UNDP MCO is seeking to recruit an Service Contractor to support the joint programming efforts to ensure effective and efficient collaboration with the other UN agencies.

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has exacerbated the vulnerabilities of Small Island Developing States (SIDS), with this global health crisis impacting the socio-economic pillars of very dependent societies. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) losses in the Eastern Caribbean will surpass two digits in almost all countries. The rise of extreme poverty and unemployment and the damage to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) will be significant, especially in the tourism and ancillary sectors: empty piers with no cruise ships, flights cancellations, hotels closures and empty restaurants leave fishermen, farmers, cleaning personnel, cooks and taxi drivers - and many other traders - without income other than government cash transfers, where they exist and while they last. The Blue Economy Strategies are amongst the most promising approaches to support SIDS economic structuring transformation to build resiliency to exogenous shocks, including natural disasters, man-made or financial crises, and global viral pandemics, while preserving their natural heritage. 

 Using the Blue Economy as an integral driver for resilient economic recovery and growth in the Eastern Caribbean, the Joint Programme’s emphasis will be on the development of an enabling and supporting environment for financing the Blue Economy, through different measures such as: the identification of policy and regulation gaps; a methodology to identify key Blue Economy opportunities; and the definition of specific financing mechanisms for Blue Economy initiatives to achieve resilient growth. The three countries – Barbados, Grenada and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - are at the vanguard of the Blue Economy “wave” and offer therefore a conducive environment to the success of the Blue Finance proposal. Integral SDG support from the United Nations (UN) provides the policy and planning background to this initiative.  

 The JP will address the current financial challenges of the beneficiary countries including the additional financial burden arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, the three countries will benefit from an upscaling of the UN’s existing initiatives with the private sector, through the establishment of a public-private consortium for blue investment.  This partnership aims to leverage substantial resources from the private sector, in addition to the development finance provided by International Financial Institutions (IFIs) (CDB, IDB, World Bank and EIB1) who have significant and structured investments in the region in the Blue Economy sector, and beyond.  

 This joint programme will also build on the existing initiatives that participating UN Organizations (PUNOs) have in the Eastern Caribbean on Blue Economy and other SDG related areas. UNDP is now seeking to recruit a Project Coordinator to coordinate the implementation of this project. The Service Contractor will work under the direct supervision of the Cluster Manager of the Poverty and Governance Portfolio of the UNDP Barbados MCO.