MNG/RFP/2021/020 - Local vendors - Research on the existing policy framework on women's political participation
Procurement Process
RFP - Request for proposal
UNDP Country Office - MONGOLIA
Published on
Reference Number
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Mongolia is seeking an institution/legal entity to conduct research on the existing legal and policy framework in Mongolia and international good practices on women’s political participation.
The detailed information can be found in the Request for Proposal RFP/2021/020 including Terms of Reference which is available in the attachment.
The Offerors are strongly recommended to thoroughly examine the bid solicitation document RFP/2021/020 in preparing your technical and financial proposals.
Proposals must be submitted via e-mail on or before 6:00p.m., 30 June 2021, Ulaanbaatar time at the below address.
Incomplete and late submissions will be excluded from further consideration. The UNDP reserves the right to accept or reject, in part or whole, any or all of the proposals at any time without assigning any reason. Only successful bidder will be contacted.