Re-advertisement. National Consultancy firm/company for Development of a pipeline of programmes for UN Socio-Economic Response Plan (SERP) implementation

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The United Nations Secretary-General set out the global framework for the United Nations’ urgent socio-economic support to countries in the face of COVID-19 as one of three critical components of the UN’s efforts to save lives, protect people and rebuild better, alongside the health response led by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the humanitarian response, as detailed in the UN-led COVID-19 Global Humanitarian Response Plan.

The socio-economic response framework consists of five streams of work – an integrated support package offered by the United Nations Development System to protect the needs and rights of people living under duress of the pandemic, with particular focus on the most vulnerable countries, groups and people who risk being left behind. The five streams of work that constitute this package include: 1. Ensuring that essential health services are still available and protecting health systems; 2. Helping people cope with adversity, through social protection and basic services; 3. Protecting jobs, supporting small and medium sized enterprises and informal workers; 4. Supporting the macroeconomic response and multilateral collaboration; and 5. Promoting social cohesion and investing in community-led resilience and response systems.

It is against this backdrop that the United Nations System in The Gambia developed the UN Socio-Economic Response Plan to implement this framework at the country level over the next 12 to 18 months. Already, significant resources in the UN’s existing portfolio of sustainable development programmes across all the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been adjusted and expanded towards COVID-19 related needs. Despite these repurposing and reprogramming efforts, given the scale of the socio-economic impact, additional resources and programmes will be required to fully address the pandemic.

It is in this regard that the UN seeks to engage the services of consulting firm to help UN Agencies in developing a series of integrated, joint programmes that will accelerate the implementation of the SERP along the five streams of work.



The specific objectives are:

  • Development of report including integrated joint programmes using gender, RBM and human right based approach and recommendations on the way forward regarding programme implementation.

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Email subject: Development of Pipeline - SERP