PN(N-210701) 03 National consultants to provide technical/legal support for the revision of the Project Document and project extension procedures for GCF1 project

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00088033 - GCF-Resilient development in coastal zones


Procurement Notice PN (N-210701)
Annex V - Financial proposal template
Annex IV- Letter of Interest and Availability


UNDP Vietnam is seeking for 03 National consultants to provide technical/legal support for the revision of the Project Document and project extension procedures for GCF1 project.

The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is a financial operating entity of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) which is established to contribute to the collective efforts of the international community to combat climate change. The GCF funds programmatic approaches that provide an opportunity for a transformational shift in countries’ climate resilience and green economies, prioritizing a balanced approach between adaptation and mitigation. The GCF works with National Implementing Entities (NIEs) from developing countries and/or through accredited international and regional Implementing Entities (IEs).

Led by the Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) in collaboration with Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI), UNDP serving as the GCF Accredited Entity for an Adaptation project “Improving the resilience of vulnerable coastal communities to climate change related impacts in Viet Nam” that was approved by the GCF in June 2017. As outlined in the Paradigm Shift Objectives and Impacts section of the project proposal, the project is designed “to contribute to increased climate-resilient sustainable development though employing an integrated approach to ensure more climate resilient homes, strengthen natural defenses through the regeneration of mangroves and improve planning through the integration of climate risk information. The project aims to rebuild 4000 houses and to regenerate 4000 hectares of mangroves. It also aims to increase the quality and accessibility of climate risk related information and therefore increase its utility in decision making. Key results for the project include:

1. Increased resilience of infrastructure and the built environment to climate change (Indicator: Number and value of physical assets made more resilient to climate change variability and change considering human benefits)

2. Improved management of land or forest areas contributing to emissions reductions (Indicator: Hectares of land or forests under improved and effective management that contributes to CO2 emission reductions)

3. Increased generation and use of climate information in decision making (Indicator: Use of climate information products/ services in decision making in climate sensitive sectors)

On the 4th of May 2021, the Steering Committee of the Project “Improving the resilience of vulnerable coastal communities to climate change related impacts in Viet Nam” (PSC) held its 3rd meeting at MARD Headquarters. Following a discussion period of PSC members/delegates and concluding comments of Ms. Caitlin Wiesen, MARD Vice-Minister Nguyen Hoang Hiep concluded the meeting as follows: 

1. In the immediate term, PMUs of Components/PPMUs are requested to accelerate the implementation of approved Annual Work Plans 2021 (AWPs 2021) and be ready to revise these plans once the Donor approval for project extension and reallocation of funds is received and/or following the issuance of guidance from CPMU and UNDP Vietnam. The PSC has requested Thua Thien Hue provincial authorities to take immediate steps for approving the co-financing for the allocated 581 resilient houses supported by the project in the province.

2. UNDP Viet Nam and the CPMU highly value the proactive and prompt actions of relevant ministries and provincial authorities relating to the application for a 12 month-project extension to facilitate the completion of delayed activities due to impacts of Covid-19 pandemic and historic storms and floods in the Central region in 2020.

UNDP Viet Nam is recruiting 03 National consultants to provide necessary technical/legal support relating to relevant procedures of the government process to get approval of project amendments.

Procurement Notice with enclosed TOR and evaluation criteria are in the attached files.

Interested offerors are invited to submit Letter of Interest and Availability, CVs, sample reports, financial proposal and other information following guidance in the Procurement Notice to

with notification by email (without attachment) to: that the bidder has submitted proposal.

UNDP will not be responsible for the missing of proposal if the bidder does not send notification email to above address.

Deadline for submission: Before 17.00hrs 12 July 2021 (Ha Noi Time)

We look forward to receiving your proposal by the above deadline.