Demonstrate practical measures to estimate the carbon emissions/removals in the forestry areas of Jordan

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00128161 - NDC enhancement- climate promise


Letter of interest - financial template
Personal History Form
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Procurement Notice


To apply, kindly read the procurement notice, attach the following documents and submit through the following email:

  1.  CV with at least three references;
  2. Technical proposal (to showcase requested experience and competencies); and
  3.  Financial proposal as in  the attached template.

no later than 8 August 2021 with subject: “ Demonstrate practical measures to estimate the carbon emissions/removals in the forestry areas of Jordan".

Any request for clarification must be sent in writing, or by standard electronic communication to the address or e-mail indicated above. The procuring UNDP entity will respond in writing or by standard electronic mail and will send written copies of the response, including an explanation of the query without identifying the source of inquiry, to all consultants.

The Environment, Climate Change and DRR Portfolio at UNDP Jordan seeks to assist the Government of Jordan to integrate environmental concerns into national and sectoral plans and strategies; secure resources; take actions to climate change mitigation and adaptation; and advance inclusive and sustainable development. Jordan has submitted its first Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) in Nov 2016, where Jordan has -nationally- pledged to cut approximately 14% of its GHGs. Pursuant to paragraph 23 of decision 1/CP.21 of the Paris Agreement, Jordan intends to submit an updated national contribution in 2021.

In the late 2019, multilateral funding agencies, international development organizations and national institutions have established collaborative framework to provide the technical and financial support to the Government of Jordan (GoJ) to commence the NDCs update process. However, UNDP through the Climate Promise1 is one of the main international development organizations that will provide the GoJ with four technical areas of support to the enhancement of the NDCs update process, one of the technical areas is to incorporate new sources of GHGs emissions and removals by sinks.

Forestry areas in Jordan is very limited, it occupies less than 1% of its terrestrial lands. Yet, there is a lack of information on how much the forestry areas do contribute to carbon emissions or sequestration. Accordingly, the NDCs update forms an opportunity to undertake a limited forestry emissions/removals assessment, through which new techniques for inventory can be introduced to demonstrate the important role of the forestry areas in carbon sequestration, and its promising role in the carbon market. Importantly, it gives an opportunity for Jordan to be active in some of the global platforms like the “Bonn Challenge” and the REDD +of UNFCCC.

UNDP is seeking to advance the capacities of the concerned Jordan institutions to make informed policy decisions on the carbon sequestration in forestry areas and its contribution to carbon market.


UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. All individuals including persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with strictest confidence and equally.

Technical and financial proposals along with CV & 3 references should be submitted, and without such will not be considered). 

(Only Short Listed Candidates will be contacted)

UNDP is an employer committed to gender equity and to providing equal opportunities to both males and females.