Consultant to conduct Heritage Impact Assessment for four (4) small-scale mining hotspots: Otjimbojo, Omapyu, Xoboxobos and Tubussis

Link to Atlas Project

00123453 - Sustainable Environmental MGT and Enhanced Resilience


Terms of Reference (TOR)
Personal History Form P11
Confirmation of Interest and submission of Technical _Financial Proposals


The main objective of this assignment is to conduct HIAs at 4 small-scale mining hotspots in Erongo Region namely Omapyu, Goboboseb and Tubussis.  Through the HIAs, the consultant will be expected to identify and locate sensitive heritage resources within the five hotspots (Omapyu, Otjimbojo, Goboboseb and Tubussis) that could be negatively affected by small-scale mining activities. The consultant is expected to compile 5 separate reports for the different hotspots. The hotspot indicated as Otjimbojo consists of two farms, part of  Otjimbojo Ouest Farm and another part of Otjakatjongo Farm; as part of the requirement from MEFT, separate reports should be produced per farm. The consultant will also be expected to deliver the Full Proposal with the timelines agreed with UNDP to allow for review before the deadline for submission.

To assist you in applying and understanding the requirements of this assignment, we have attached hereto the following:

a) The Terms of Reference for the assignment described above;

b) The Offerors Letter of Confirmation of Interest, Availability and submission of financial proposal, which you must accomplish and submit to UNDP; and

c) The General Terms and Conditions of the Individual Contract.

Interested consultants must submit their proposals via UN Jobs Website (refer link below) by 23 July 2021 clearly marked with the title of the consultancy; Consultant to conduct Heritage Impact Assessment for four (4) small-scale mining hotspots: Otjimbojo, Omapyu, Xoboxobos and Tubussis.

Direct Link to UN Jobshop (website):

or search for vacancy @ Website page:

Should you require clarifications to this consultancy please email to

UNDP looks forward to receiving your application and proposals and thank you in advance for your interest in UNDP procurement opportunities.


UNDP Namibia Procurement.