Consultant to support the team and the Lake Chad Basin Commission for data collection, website update and Information Management.

Link to Atlas Project

00123137 - Facilité Reg de Stabilisation pour le Lac Tchad-FNT


Notice de selection et TDRs



Services/Work Description :

ICT and Information Management Support

Project/Program Title : 

RSS Secretariat

Contract type : 

Individual Contract

Duration : 

 5 months 

Expected Start Date :


Reports to :                                       Communications Specialist 

Prière envoyer vos propositions (propositions technique et financière) dûment signées à l’adresse e-mail suivante " " avec mention de la référence et l’intitulé du dossier.

Votre proposition devra être reçue au plus tard le 18 août 2021 à 18h00, heure de NDjamena.  

Pour toute information complémentaire écrire à l’adresse :

Contexte et justification

The Africa Union, the LCBC and UNDP has developed a five-year stabilization strategy - “Regional Strategy for the Stabilization, Recovery & Resilience of the Boko Haram-affected Areas of the Lake Chad Basin (RSS)”. The RSS provides a comprehensive, integrated and multi-level framework for overall stabilization, comprising nine inter-related pillars which include military support to the MNJTF, provision of humanitarian assistance and key interventions to secure early recovery and longer-term resilience. The Strategy recognizes the nexus between security, humanitarian and development issues and calls for a “New Way of Working” to be at the heart of the response to the Lake Chad Basin Region crisis. Achieving the “New Way of Working” will require strong coordination between Governments at central and local levels, regional and continental institutions and between UN agencies and entities, including international community partners, civil society actors and the private sector.

The RSS Secretariat support the LCBC by establishing an effective internal and external communication system and products for RSS stakeholders on RSS planning and implementation. In 2020, the secretariat contributes to the improvement of the LCBC website (EN/FR) to facilitate access to information and promote interaction and collaboration among key stakeholders and that required an additional support for the administration.

The RSS Secretariat is seeking a local junior IT consultant to support the team and the Lake Chad Basin Commission for data collection, website update and Information Management. 


Under the supervision of the Communications Specialist, the Consultant is expected to support the RSS team and LCBC for 5 months (August-December 2021). Specifically, the tasks shall include:

General Admin and IT support

  • Monitor performance of information technology systems to determine cost and productivity levels, and to make recommendations for improving the IT infrastructure
  • Support the IT Specialist in designing of an online interface for the LCBC, RSS and Governors’ Forum stakeholders’ teams to connect and enter/access information for project-related needs in a timely manner.
  • Help define IT infrastructure strategy, architecture, and processes
  • Analyze business requirements by partnering with key stakeholders across the organization to develop solutions for IT needs
  • Assess vendors and develop test strategies for new hardware and software
  • Troubleshoot hardware and software issues related to internal IT
  • Support the organization of webinars and national/regional calls.
  • Support Program Team at other tasks ad hoc basis
  • Support the organization of regional and/or national workshops.
  • Centralized storage system to minimize the information loss and integration of related information.
  •  Multimedia information formats to be stored within the system, Easy process for information dissemination.
  • Monthly update of the LCBC and Governors’ Forum website