RBAS-RFQ-011-2021 Event Managment

Link to Atlas Project

00094513 - Management Project for ARH


eTendering FQA
eTenderting Bidders user Guide
Atlas Login starting Oct2020


Dear Sir/Madam,

UNDP kindly requests your quotation to “Establish of Long Term Agreement to cover Event Management Services for Resident Coordinator Office, United Arab Emirates. Deadline 31 August 2021 at 11:00 PM ( NY EDT Time).

In order to view the RFQ documents and all related annexes through eTendering system, you need to be registered as a bidder on the system. The bidders who are not registered on UNDP eTendering System (https://etendering.partneragencies.org ); please carefully read and follow attached guidance documents., you can register by visiting the provided link, sign in with username below, and follow the instructions in the user guide:

  • Username: event.guest
  • Password: why2change

The following steps must be made immediately as soon as your receive this e-mail in order to make sure that the system is working smoothly:

  1. Register a Bidder Profile- Bidder ID must be created.
  2. It is recommended to register in the company general e-mail not personal e-mail or staff e-mails.
  3. Manage Bidder Profile to view the bidding activities published by UNDP. It is important to confirm that “Accept RFQ Invitation” through eTendering in order to enable us know that you have successfully registered, viewed the RFQ and is interested in the RFQ.
  4. It is recommended to upload your proposal with all attachment before the deadline by two days in order to make sure that there is no technical problem issues by uploading the bids.

If you are interested in submitting a Quotation in response to this RFQ, please prepare your Proposal in accordance with the requirements and procedure as set out in this RFQ and submit it by the Deadline for Submission of Proposals set out in Bid Data Sheet.

Please acknowledge receipt of this RFQ by sending an email (to: abeer.awawdeh@undp.org ; CC: hanan.Abubaker@undp.org) , indicating whether you intend to submit a Quotation or otherwise. You may also utilize the “Accept Invitation” function in eTendering system, where applicable. This will enable you to receive amendments or updates to the RFQ. Should you require further clarifications, kindly communicate with the contact person/s identified in the attached Bid Data Sheet as the focal point for queries on this RFQ.

UNDP looks forward to receiving your Proposal and thank you in advance for your interest in UNDP procurement opportunities. Please make sure to consider the following tips during submitting your proposal:

  • submission (https://etendering.partneragencies.org )
  • Event details: BU Code: R4710, Event ID: RBAS-11-21
  • Format: PDF files only
  • File names must be maximum 60 characters long and must not contain any letter or special character other than from Latin alphabet/keyboard.
  • All files must be free of viruses and not corrupted.
  • Max. File Size per transmission: 7 MB
  • Mandatory subject of email: "RBAS-RFQ-011/2021- Establish of Long Term Agreement ro cover Event Management Services for Resident Coordinator Office, United Arab Emirates"
  • Submit the Technical and financial Proposals in a separate files.