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RFQ-TKM-016-2021: Tender on supply of equipment and services for reconstruction of power grid designed for power supply of street lightening system
Procurement Process :RFQ - Request for quotation
Office :UNDP Country Office - TURKMENISTAN
Deadline :14-Sep-21
Posted on :01-Sep-21
Development Area :POWER  POWER
Reference Number :82681
Link to Atlas Project :
00081872 - Sustainable cities
Documents :
RFQ in English
RFQ in Russian
Q&A in English language
Q&A in Russian
Overview :

The UNDP Country Office in Turkmenistan announces a competitive tender Ref. RFQ-TKM-016-2021: Tender on supply of equipment and services for reconstruction of power grid designed for power supply of street lightening system.

To assist you in understanding of tender requirements, please, refer to attached Request for Quotation Form. 

Deadline for submission of quotations is 14 September 2021 until 18:00 (local time).

The information about this tender can be also found at UNDP CO website in Operations/Procurement Section or from UN Reception upon request at the following address: UN House, Archabyl shayoly Str.21, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.

Quotations should be submitted to the above address in a sealed envelope indicating the following subject “RFQ-TKM-016-2021: Tender on supply of equipment and services for reconstruction of power grid designed for power supply of street lightening system" or by email at following address ONLY: .