Consultancy Services for Preparation of a Strategy for Linking Tourism Sector and the Local Economic Development (LED) Targeting 4 Tourism Circuit in Tanzania Mainland

Link to Atlas Project

00133203 - Green Growth & Disruptive Digital Innovation for Tourism




  1. Introduction

UNDP Tanzania through the Pilot Project on “Green Growth and Innovation Disruptions” is supporting the Tourism Sector to recover and become resilient by focusing on building forward better a green and more inclusive tourism sector in the country. The project aims to have an improved capacity of tourism ecosystem actors, so that they become resilient and gender responsive, and to have integrated and inclusive value chains within the tourism industry which link to other sub sectors, in particular MSMEs.


Within the framework of the “Green Growth and Innovation Disruptions” Project, UNDP, Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism (MNRT), Tanzania Association of Tour Operators (TATO) and UNWTO are collaborating on the Preparation of an Integrated Tourism and Local Economic Development (LED) Strategy. The strategy will pay specific attention to the three main Tourism Circuits in Tanzania Mainland, i.e., Northern, Southern, and Lake Zone/Western Circuit. The development of the strategy mainly focuses on achieving integrated, inclusive value chains within the tourism industry and with linked sectors, with clear demarcation and differentiation of each Tourism Circuit, based on the distinctive attractions, economic endowments, and uniqueness. Furthermore, in achieving the concept of Leaving No One Behind (LNOB), the strategy is essentially supposed to deliver an integrated model that entices collaboration within the tourism ecosystem and to integrate MSMEs within tourism mainstream benefits, with a special focus on informal ones owned mostly by women and youths.