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00020416 - UN Department of Safety and Security00032404 - SECURITY UN COMMON SVCS
RFQ - Request for quotation
UNDP Aden sub-office - YEMEN
DESCRIPTION: Supply and install Walkthough Metal Detector to Aden office.
UNDP Yemen has advertised an Request for Quotation (RFQ) - (reference number RFQ-YEM-0073-2021) and event ID No. YEM10-0000010829) for Civil works of provision and installation of ventilation system for UNDP Aden sub-office building, in Aden Yemen.
In order to participate in the advertised bidding process, UNDP Yemen hereby invites interested and qualified bidders to register to its E-Tendering platform at ATLAS in order to access the bidding document.
This procurement process is conducted through UNDP eTendering online system (interested bidders must register in the system in order to access the additional documents.
You are advised to use Internet Explorer (Version 10 or above) to avoid any compatibility issues with the e-tendering system.
Web address Link :
Business Unit (BU Code): YEM10
Event ID number: 0000010829
Detailed instruction on how to register in the online system is attached.
If already registered, go to and sign in using your username and password. Use “Forgotten password” link if you do not remember your password. Do not create a new profile.
If you have never registered in the system before, you can register by visiting the link below and follow the instructions in the user guide.
For first time registrants, use the following details to login and create access:
Username: event.guest
Password: why2change (DO NOT change this password)
Once registered you will receive a valid password to the registered email address which you can use for signing in and changing your password.
Please note that your new password should meet the following criteria:
Minimum 8 characters
At least one lowercase letter
At least one number
To assist you in the registration process, we attach the e-tendering registration guidelines, including the FAQs.
Once registered, you can view/download the solicitation documents (RFQ) and submit your Offer comprising of the documents requested in the Invitation to Bid;
Please note:
It is strongly recommended to create your username with two parts, your first name and last name separated by “.”, similar to the one shown above.
Once registered you will receive a valid password to the registered email address which you can use for signing in and changing your password. You can participate in the bid event only if you have registered in the system.
It has been observed, that depending on the browser you use and the internet available internet capacity, the registration process may take some time. It is highly recommended to avail sufficient time for registration of your company in the ATLAS-system.
It is the responsibility of the bidder to make sure bids are submitted within this deadline. UNDP will not accept any bid that is not submitted directly in the system.
To acknowledge your participation in the bidding utilize the “Accept Invitation” tab in the e-tendering module. This will enable you to receive subsequent email notifications relating to this procurement. Should you require further clarifications, kindly communicate with the focal person named in the solicitation document.
Submit your bid better a day prior or well before the closing time. Do not wait until last minute. If you face any issue submitting your bid at the last minute, UNDP may not be able to assist. Please note that submitting files in the format and structure requested in the RFQ, requires planning and some time.
In case of any inconsistency between the deadline indicated in the system and the deadline indicated elsewhere, the one indicated in the system prevails.
UNDP looks forward to receiving your Offer and thank you in advance for your interest in UNDP procurement opportunities
With best regards
UNDP Procurement Unit
UNDP Yemen