Call for Proposal

Link to Atlas Project

00102163 - VET-Agriculture-SDC-phase 2


Call for proposal
Project idea Application Form
Pre-bid proposal


UNDP Project: “Modernization of the Vocational Education and Training System (VET) Related to Agriculture in Georgia - Phase II” is announcing call to identify prospective partners with the project ideas contributing to the project’s overall objective to support initiatives that propose cooperation,  and deliver a demonstrable positive impact for supporting Innovation in Agricultural and Rural Economy Professions Related to Vocational Education and Training.


Project ideas are expected to be submitted by the local and international non-governmental organizations, public and academic institutions that possess at least 5 years’ experience and the administrative, financial, and technical capacity to implement a project in line with the objectives mentioned above as well as might bring a meaningful contribution to the project objectives. Good track record of working with donors in the past will be an asset.

The organizations must be legally registered entities in their country of operation, and the organization and its performance indicators must be in good financial standing. International organizations may apply if the project idea benefits Georgia. Successful applicants must be prepared to be true partners, they will not be beneficiaries or recipients of support, but rather entities that can truly share both the risk and reward of the activity. Project ideas envisaging cooperation with private sector (employers) are welcome.

We look for innovative, strategic, creative, targeted actions with high potential of capacity building and those that propose a clear vision of change, sustainability, multiplier effect, local ownership.

Submission of more than one application by one applicant  is encouraged.

All project ideas must be expressed in English. Proposals may be submitted on or before November 29, 2021, 18:00 PM and via email to the address as follows: and in PDF (signed and stamped) and word formats.

A pre-bid conference (`Open Day`/ Consultation meeting) will take place on 15 November 2021, at 12:00 via web-based platform`Zoom` (meeting details will be provided only to those who confirm their status and interest to the consultation meeting).

As a rare exeption (in case of no access to the interent or any other strong argument), meeting at the project office can also be considered as an additional opportunity (address: 3 Arakishvili str. (dead-end, former `Hotel Victoria`), 1st floor, Tbilisi, Georgia). While, on-line meeting is considered as a reccomended means of communication.