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00126144 - Country Office Programme Support Services




UNDP People 2030 Strategy aims to among other things systematically address human resources issues and their root cause in a holistic way and to equip UNDP with modern and effective management tools and policies that will help personnel to feel valued and to give their very best. UNDP Tanzania is committed to promote its staff at all levels to ensure that they can achieve their full potential. The Country Office has also enrolled into the Corporate Gender Certification as part of the process of improving its capacity and ensure gender mainstreaming at all levels within the organization. It is against the above backdrop that UNDP Tanzania wishes to engage a consultancy firm to organize and deliver a tailormade capacity development programme, targeting its female staff and prepare them to take leadership positions within the organization. The Programme will be delivered over a period of 6 months, through a series of sessions to facilitate learning and skills development to enhance readiness and capacity of female staff to be better equipped to perform and take strategic leadership roles as part of their career development...………………..Etc………….