RFQ: Think Tank - Evaluation of UNDP's Integration of Leaving No One Behind Principles

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00020162 - Organizational Effectiveness towards Development Outputs


Request for Quotation Note
Annex 1 - Terms of Reference
Annex 2 - Submission Form
Annex 3 - Technical and Financial Offer Form
Answers to Questions and Clarifications


The Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) will carry out a formative evaluation of UNDP's Integration of Leaving No One Behind Principles. The evaluation is part of the IEO’s medium-term plan and is scheduled to be presented at the January 2023 Executive Board session.

Leave no one behind (LNOB) is a central transformative promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In practice, it means taking explicit action to address inequalities and differential access; challenge power structures, social norms and beliefs hampering inclusion; confront overt and covert discrimination; and fast-track progress for those left furthest behind first. It requires the generation and disaggregation of additional data to ensure that all grounds of discrimination prohibited under international law and other root causes of inequalities are identified and addressed. And it throws up many practical challenges in UNDP’s work, including the increasing marginal costs of reaching the last mile, and partnership and procurement models that hamper social contracting at the boundary of the state. 

The intent of this formative evaluation is to assess the evolving conceptual and operational frameworks used by UNDP to translate the LNOB principle into concrete action, and to make recommendations on how to strengthen UNDP contributions to results for those furthest behind.

The IEO seeks a think tank that will support this evaluation by reviewing how other multilateral/bilateral organizations and relevant organizations incorporate the principle of LNOB in their strategies and operationalize it in their programmes.

For more information and to apply, please refer to the attached documents:

  • RFQ Document
  • Annex 1 - Terms of Reference
  • Annex 2 - Submission Form
  • Annex 3 - Technical and Financial Officer
  • Answers to Questions and Clarifications