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00070394 - National Development Plan (2015-2020)00089380 - UN-REDD NATIONAL PROGRAMME IN UGANDA
IC - Individual contractor
Uganda endorsed the UN Reform in November 2018, putting the United Nations Sustainable Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) as the single most important UN country-planning instrument in support of the 2030 Agenda at the national level. With the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at its core, the UNSDCF (2021-2025) is aligned to the third National Development Plan (NDPIII) and Uganda Vision 2040 and will be implemented by 29 UN entities through three Strategic Priorities: 1) Transformative and Inclusive Governance; 2) Shared Prosperity in a Healthy Environment; and 3) Human Well-being and Resilience.
In order to ensure coherence in promoting UNSDCF programming principles, the UN has formulated Joint Work Plans (JWPs), which stipulate key actions to be undertaken by the contributing agencies across the three strategic priorities. As part of the efforts to further reduce potential duplications and exploit synergies among agencies, the UN is in the process of identifying crosscutting areas that are candidates for development of joint programmes as a means of implementation and resource mobilization.
The commitment to “Leave No One Behind” requires continuous monitoring of progress towards the achievement of the SDGs, placing high data demands on countries. This requires strategies to strengthen national, regional, and global capacities to support data systems and calls for innovative approaches to build capacity in the production, management and use of data for decision-making. In light of this, the UN system in Uganda is desirous of carrying out a review of the status of SDG related data and statistics in Uganda with the aim of identifying intervention areas for development of a joint programme on data and statistics.
Interested consultants are required to submit an electronic application via
The application should include the following documents/information:
Financial proposal (in template provided in Annex 2) stating an all-inclusive fixed lump-sum fee for this assignment in USD, supported by a breakdown of costs/ fee per working day. Such total lump sum price must include professional fee, and costs necessary to conduct the assignment such as communication costs, etc. The consultant will be paid against the completion of specific, measurable deliverables as identified in this TOR.
Qualified women and members of social minorities are encouraged to apply. Interested applicants for any inquiries should send an email to: