RFQ- PAL-0000166164- Package 10

Link to Atlas Project

00136606 - Gaza Recovery May 2021


RFQ-PAL-0000166164 - Package 10- BOQ
RFQ PAL-0000166164 - Addendum No 1
RFQ-PAL-0000166164 - Technical specifications
RFQ-PAL-0000166164 - Drawings
RFQ-PAL-0000166164 Package 10 - Paving Agricultural Roads
RFQ-PAL-00000166164 - Addendum 2 - MOM
RFQ-PAL-0000166164 - Revised Drawings
RFQ-PAL-0000166164 - Package 10- Price Break down Form


Version 1 Package 10 : Paving agricultural roads using recycled crushed concrete in different locations of Gaza Strip EVENT ID: PAL10- 0000010619 Jerusalem, 21 January 2022 The United Nations Development Programme / Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People (UNDP/PAPP) invites you to submit a quotation for the mentioned project as detailed in this RFQ. To enable you to submit a bid Thank you and we look forward to receiving your quotation. Yours sincerely, Shehadeh A. Habash Head of Procurement Unit UNDP/PAPP