IC - Thematic Evaluation On Role of UNDP In Conflict Prevention And Political Stabilization In Lesotho

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00129095 - Support to Implementation of Justice Sector Reforms I


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The 2019 -2023 UNDAF outlines a common vision, planning, and implementation on how the UN system can support the national needs and priorities as described in Vision 2020 and the National Strategic Development Plan 2019 – 2023 (NSDP II). UNDP Lesotho actively participates in three UNDAF Working Groups: Accountable Governance & Social Cohesion, Sustainable and Inclusive Economic Growth as well as Cross cutting pillar on Development, Humanitarian and Peace-building Nexus. UNDP chairs the Accountable Governance working group and co-chairs the Sustainable and Inclusive Economic Growth working group. In addition, UNDP provides the Secretariat for Development Partner Forum on Governance and Human Rights, which covers issues of peace building and governance.

This evaluation will be conducted at a time when broader development process, such as the review Lesotho of Vision 2020 and initiation of NSDP III (2024 – 2028) will be taking place. The 2019 -2023 UNDAF is centred around four key results areas: - Sustainable and Inclusive Growth – Accountable Governance – Human Development – One UN Business Operations.  The democratic governance and peacebuilding portfolio of UNDP Lesotho is situated in Results Area 1 (‘Accountable Governance’). UNDP Lesotho acts as Chair of this Development Results Group, jointly with UNAIDS, and is the overall lead agency in this results area. UNDP Lesotho also acts as co-Chair of the Programmes Coordination Team (PCT) of the One UN Lesotho.

 UNDP is looking for experienced local consultant to carry out Thematic Evaluation On Role of UNDP In Conflict Prevention And Political Stabilization In Lesotho.

The applications should be sent by e-mail to ls.procurement@undp.org, with the reference: Thematic Evaluation On Role of Role of UNDP In Conflict Prevention And Political Stabilization In Lesotho.