Place-to-Place Survey Pricing Agent

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Non-UNDP Project




The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Pacific Office in Fiji is conducting the Place-to-Place Survey in March 2022 . For collection of the costs of the commodities in the local market, UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji is seeking services of a Pricing Agent.

The following are the qualifications of a Pricing Agent.  He or she:

  • Is an independent person with no past or present work experience with any of the organizations of the United Nations Common System and is not an immediate relative of a UN staff member (child, parent, spouse, etc.).
  • Has international shopping experience with knowledge of the local market.
  • Is preferably an expatriate who has lived at the duty station for at least one year
  • Has the ability to get around the duty station to visit the outlets by either public transportation or his/her own means of transport if necessary.
  • Is conversant with English, French or Spanish to ensure proper interpretation of item specifications as provided on the pricing forms.
  • Is able to communicate effectively (preferably in the official language of the duty station) because the job requires interaction with outlet owners and workers.
  • Possesses a High School Diploma or equivalent.
  • Having experience in the field of statistics, economics, project management, auditing, accounting and/or finance is an additional asset

Is available to complete the job within the given time frame