National Consultant for Final Evaluation of Strengthening Namibia Food Systems to Recover from Emergencies and Disease-related shocks through the Build Back Better (BBB) Programme

Link to Atlas Project

00129047 - Resilient Informal Food Systems


Terms of Reference (TOR) Final Project Evaluation Consultancy
Confirmation of Interest and submission of Technical & Financial Proposal
Personal History Form_P11
General Terms and Conditions Individual Contractor


The Final Project Evaluation of the project titled: “Strengthening Namibia food systems to recover from emergencies and disease-related shocks through the Build Back Better (BBB) programme” implemented through the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), which is to be concluded by of March 2022. The project started in March 2021 and is in its final quarter of implementation.

The final evaluation is part of the project’s commitment to assess the achievement of project results against what was expected to be achieved and draw lessons that can both improve the sustainability of benefits from this project, and aid in the overall enhancement of similar future programming. The evaluation report promotes accountability and transparency and assesses the extent of BBB project accomplishments. The final evaluation will also consider linkages and intersections of UNDP Namibia Country Programme Document (CPD), and result areas spearheaded by the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCDF) for Namibia.

To assist you in applying and understanding the requirements of this assignment, we have attached hereto the following:

a) The Terms of Reference for the assignment described above;

b) The Offerors Letter of Confirmation of Interest, Availability and submission of financial proposal, which you must accomplish and submit to UNDP; and

c) The General Terms and Conditions of the Individual Contract.

Interested consultants must submit their proposals via UN Jobs Website (refer link below) by 04 April 2022  clearly marked with the title of the consultancy National Consultant for Final Evaluation of Strengthening Namibia Food Systems to Recover from Emergencies and Disease-related shocks through the Build Back Better (BBB) Programme with reference: IC 105472 - National Consultant for Final Evaluation of Strengthening Namibia Food Systems

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Should you require clarifications to this consultancy please email to

UNDP looks forward to receiving your application and proposals and thank you in advance for your interest in UNDP procurement opportunities.