International Project Development Specialist to Lead the UNDP Project Development Team (A-220305)

Link to Atlas Project

Non-UNDP Project


Procurement Notice
Annex IV
Annex V


UNDP Vietnam is seeking for 01 International Project Development Specialist (Team Leader) (40 working days) to work with local consultants, the implementation partner, and the relevant stakeholders to develop the project concept into a full project, for the approved project concept titled: Empowering communities to lead nature-based solutions for marine and coastal biodiversity and climate change (the project).

The project is to improve resilience to the impact of climate change, enhance livelihoods of vulnerable communities, particularly women, and restore marine and coastal ecosystems for biodiversity conservation and climate change response in Viet Nam.

The selection will be on a competitive basis and will comply with UNDP procurement regulations.


Interested offerors are invited to submit Letter to UNDP confirming Interest and Availability, CVs, financial proposals and other information following guidance in the Procurement Notice to:


with notification by email (without attachment) to: that the bidder has submitted proposal.

UNDP will not be responsible for the missing of proposal if the bidder does not send notification email to above address.


Deadline for submission: 17.00 hrs., Thursday 24 March 2022 (Hanoi time)

We look forward to receiving your proposal by the above deadline.