Link to Atlas Project

00133011 - Enhance Conservation of Protected Forest Areas




The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Tanzania, in collaboration with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism (MNRT) is facilitating the implementation of a project on combating poaching and the illegal wildlife trade in Tanzania through an integrated approach. This project, which forms part of the GEF-financed, World Bank-led Global Wildlife Program (GWP) has as its main objective to support Tanzania in enhancing capacity for biodiversity conservation at the national and local levels. This objective will be achieved through the implementation of four project components: Component 1 will support the Government of Tanzania in enhancing legislative and policy frameworks as well as its national wildlife crime monitoring system. Component 2 will focus at the landscape level, by strengthening the capacity of Tasking and Coordination Groups (TCGs), in improving multi[1]institutional collaboration, and increasing their level of cooperation with local communities, business, and NGOs in targeted ecosystems. Component 3 facilitates increased involvement of local communities in wildlife enforcement and monitoring activities and addresses the need for enhanced sustainable livelihood opportunities to reduce dependency on vulnerable habitats and wildlife within the Ruaha-Rungwa ecosystem of southern Tanzania. Component 4 focuses on gender mainstreaming, supported by strong knowledge management, communication, and Monitoring & Evaluation. (Project Document will be availed for more details on the project).………..etc….etc.