ITB-LBY-SLCRR-2021-12054 - Rehabilitation of the existing Telleel Desalination Plant and Construction/Installation of New Seven Small Desalination Plants, Sabratha Municipality, Libya

Link to Atlas Project

00096051 - Strengthening Local Capacities for Resilience and Recove


eTendering Guide in Arabic
eTendering QA
eTendering Supplier Training Guide for bidders


The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Libya Country Office hereby invites you to submit a Bid to this Invitation to Bid (ITB) for the above-referenced subject. This ITB includes the following documents and the General Terms and Conditions of Contract which is inserted in the Bid Data Sheet: Section 1: This Letter of Invitation Section 2: Instruction to Bidders Section 3: Bid Data Sheet (BDS) Section 4: Evaluation Criteria Section 5: Schedule of Requirements and Technical Specifications Section 6: Returnable Bidding Forms o Form A: Bid Submission Form o Form B: Bidder Information Form o Form C: Joint Venture/Consortium/Association Information Form o Form D: Qualification Form o Form E: Format of Technical Bid o Form F: Price Schedule Your bid, comprising of a Technical bid and financial bid, should be submitted in accordance with Section 2, through eTendering online system and by the deadline indicated in You are kindly requested to indicate whether your company intends to submit a bid by clicking on “Accept Invitation” button. If that is not the case, UNDP would appreciate your indicating the reason, for our records. If you have received this ITB through a direct invitation by UNDP, transferring this invitation to another firm requires notifying UNDP accordingly. UNDP looks forward to receiving your Bid and thank you in advance for your interest in UNDP procurement opportunities.