IC/PNG/036-2022 Finance and Digital Inclusion Consultant

Link to Atlas Project

Non-UNDP Project


Annex 1_Terms of Reference
Annex 2_General Conditions of Contract - IC
Annex 3_Offerors Letter & Financial Proposal
Annex 4_Statement of Good Health - IC
Annex 5_P11 ICs Form



Home Based and Port Moresby

Type of contract:

Individual Contract (IC)

Post Level:


No of Positions

2 positions

Reports To:

UNCDF PNG – Country Lead


To support UNCDF’s projects under the Inclusive Digital Economy Accelerator (IDEA) program in PNG

Languages Required:


Starting Date:

20th April 2022

Duration of Initial Contract:

120 working days over the period of 6 months

70% (84 Days) Port Moresby and 30% (36 Days) home based  


*Possibility of extension, subject to funding availability, continuing project needs and consultant’s satisfactory performance assessment in line with IC Hiring policies and procedure


1. Project Background

UNCDF is the UN’s capital investment agency for the world’s 46 Least Developed Countries (LDC). UNCDF uses its capital mandate to support LDCs pursue inclusive growth. UNCDF promotes financial inclusion, also through digital financial services (DFS), as a key enabler of poverty reduction and inclusive growth; it demonstrates how localizing finance outside the capital cities can accelerate growth in local economies, promote sustainable and climate-resilient infrastructure development, and empower local communities. Using capital grants, loans, and credit enhancements, UNCDF tests financial models in inclusive finance and local development finance; ‘de-risks’ the local investment space; and provides proofs of concept, paving the way for larger investors.

UNCDF’s digital interventions in Papua New Guinea

UNCDF launched its Inclusive Digital Economy Accelerator (IDEA) strategy in 2021, which focuses on creating an inclusive environment for the inception and scale of financial and digital inclusion solutions. UNCDF has been supporting digital financial service providers, banks, and other stakeholders in PNG to develop ecosystems, design and develop innovative solutions, products, and services that support Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE).

UNCDF is part of the EU funded joint UN Support to Rural Enterprise Investment and Trade (STREIT) project in PNG and is responsible for the access to finance component under the project. The STREIT project aims to support vanilla, cocoa, and fisheries value chains through a range of inter-related inputs. As part of its inputs to the project UNCDF will scale up DFS eco-system in the project areas focused on supporting agri-value chains.

UNCDF PNG’s other multiple donors funded projects in the field include:

Markets, economic recovery, and inclusion program (MERI): Facilitates easier access to finance and affordable financing for women market vendors, using a portfolio guarantee mechanism. The program also includes capacity building, financial literacy, and business development skills trainings.

Rapid financing facility (RFF) aims to support women entrepreneurs by working with financial service providers to promote suitable and affordable financial products and services. Scaling up the DFS eco-system coupled with essential capacity building support leverages the opportunities brought by digital financial services in an evolving digital economy.

2. Objectives

Under the direct supervision of the Country Lead of UNCDF PNG, the consultant will:

  • Relationship management - Actioning of partnerships with financial service providers
  • Corporate support to UNCDF Country office
  • Technical Assistance (TA) to partner institutions for project implementation under STREIT and RFF  
  • Lead and coordinate Women Economic Empowerment initiatives across projects
  • Business Impact Analysis and Knowledge Management
  1. Scope of Consultancy
  • Lead the technical inputs, coordination, implementation and reporting on progress of UNCDF’s component of outputs to STREIT project and its linkage to UNCDF’s work at national level.
  • Support in the identification, development, and implementation of a diverse mix of strong projects within select agricultural value chains.
  • Provide support and work with financial Institutions to assist with the launch of new financial services through targeted and focused pilots, as planned by the institution in a phased manner.
  • Provide inputs for capacity building, for range of stakeholder in private and public sector through dialogue, workshops/ events at provincial and national level on digital inclusion.
  • Provide technical expertise and inputs to financial inclusion research including baseline studies to guide design and development of new products and services dedicated in select agri-value and assessing impact of digital financial services – savings, loans, insurance, remittance, and pensions.
  • Engage with the Central Bank, Regulators, and Line Ministries to work towards conducive policy and regulatory environment for financial inclusion both at provincial and national level.
  • Engage with other relevant state and non-state actors to add value to the work within the scope of the STREIT project and more particularly to the UNCDF component.
  • Engage with other UN agencies involved in the STREIT project with a view to ensure adequate collaboration on joint deliverables and outputs
  • Support the UNCDF Country team to implement the Country Strategy and drive the country-level outcomes.

The consultant will agree on a list of required outputs (outputs/products, beyond the finalisation and launch of the IDEA strategy) to be delivered in consultation with the PNG Country Lead and project team. This will become the workplan for the consultant under the contract.

  1. Key deliverables and schedule of payment

Payments will be made against the following reporting schedule:

Reporting period and critical milestones

Working days

Report due



  • Relationship management - Actioning of partnerships with financial service providers
    • Be point person for supporting partner FSPs delivery on workplan as per grant agreements
    • Finalized governance structure, resources and project work plans for implementation submitted
    • Reporting tools and mechanism to report on project KPIs at regular intervals developed
    • Strategic engagement with FSPs and partnerships formalised for eco-system development.





24 days




31 May, 2022





  • Corporate support to UNCDF Country office
    • Finalisation and launch of UNCDF Country Strategy (IDEA) and related prodoc
    • Support drafting of project proposals and donor engagement
    •  Coordination with regional initiatives and offer support PNG components in RFAs, Challenge Funds or Surveys



24 days



30 June, 2022




  • Technical Assistance (TA) to partner institutions for project implementation under STREIT and RFF

Technical assistance (TA) to projects commissioned. This will tentatively include the following deliverables, which are subject to change depending on specific needs of each project.

  • Customer acquisition and on-boarding processes documented
  • Customer engagement and communication plan developed and documented, and inputs for marketing materials development.
  • Supervise training material development and capacity building trainings by UNCDF grant partners
  • Data analysis for customer, product and channel usage conducted and analysis reports with recommendations for improvement submitted.






24 days






31 July, 2022







  • Lead and coordinate Women Economic Empowerment initiatives across projects
    • Support design, development, and implementation of Women Empowerment initiatives and technical inputs and mentorship for Women Enterprise incubator
    • Launch of events, stakeholder engagement and workshops
    • Technical inputs to Partner Institutions and MSMEs for adopting digital financial services 




24 days




15 Aug Oct, 2022





  • Business Impact Analysis / Knowledge Management
    • Analysis of project outcomes based on quarterly & mid-term review reports from partners  
    • Support in preparing business analysis case studies and blogs based on based on projects implementation and enabling or challenging market factors.
    • Contribute to the development of semi-annual and annual reports for IDE practice and any other report upon request








1 Oct, 2022






120 days




  1. Working Arrangement

Selected candidate will be part of the UNCDF PNG country team and will work closely with UNCDF’s projects - STREIT/ RFF/ MERI and any other UNCDF projects.

The consultant is expected to be based in Port Moresby for 70% (84days) of the duration and remaining can be home based. During remote working, the consultant will be expected to be available via zoom during PNG working hours. The consultant must be reasonably accessible by email and telephone (preferably mobile). The use of reliable, internet-based telecommunications application software (Zoom, MS Teams or equivalent) is required.

The consultant is expected to have their own equipment to perform the tasks above, such as laptop, design software for documents and infographics, camera and/or video equipment, as well as regular and stable internet connection.

Any work-related travel (out of Port Moresby) to provinces and project sites in PNG will be arranged and paid for by UNCDF separately, based on agreed workplan and UNCDF travel policies. 

  1. Required Experiences and Skills 

Education Qualification

  • Bachelor’s in either economics, micro-finance, social or development studies, business administration or related field. Masters' qualification in above fields will be an advantage.
  • Qualifications in human centred design/Design thinking, SME/Agri-finance or any discipline related to digital financial services would be of advantage.

Required Experience

  • Minimum 5 years of experience working in the microfinance and/or digital financial inclusion, agriculture finance, MSMEs sector in operations or consulting role preferably at senior level
  • Minimum 3 years of professional experience working in the field of digital financial services, agriculture value chains and innovations in solutions for customer acquisition and agent network management, for digital channels in low-fidelity, low-resource environments
  • Demonstrated project management experience, including multi-tasking to lead and execute multiple time-sensitive projects in parallel. Experience in multi-lateral agencies like UN, WBG, ADB etc. will be an advantage.
  • Experience engaging diverse set of public and private sector stakeholders, regulators, government departments, industry associations would be preferable;
  • Experience with Agri-value chains, MSMEs and Women financial Inclusion is preferred.
  • Experience in the Pacific would be an advantage

Competencies and skills

  • Open to work with challenging projects in challenging environment.
  • Ability to plan, organize, implement, and report on work.
  • Strong networking, interpersonal, communication and facilitation skills.
  • Strong analytical, reporting and writing abilities skills.
  • Experience in managing clients and partners—from early-stage companies to mature organizations.
  • Solution-focused and medium-agnostic, willing to step out of your core skill set or discipline to find the correct solution to a challenge.
  • Results-driven, problem-solver with structuring and analytic capabilities.
  • Strong ability to plan and act strategically, even in situations of ambiguity, to develop tangible solutions.
  • Ability to work independently and to deliver high quality outputs with minimal supervision.
  • Ability to revise and work with clients to deliver refined results.
  • Excellent oral and writing communication skills in English.

5. Evaluation

Cumulative analysis

The proposals will be evaluated using the cumulative analysis method with 70% technical and 30% financial scoring. The proposal with the highest cumulative scoring will be awarded the contract. Applications will be evaluated technically, and points are attributed based on how well the proposal meets the requirements of the Terms of Reference using the guidelines detailed in the table below:

When using this weighted scoring method, the award of the contract may be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:

a) Responsive/compliant/acceptable, and

b) Having received the highest score from a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.

* Technical Criteria weighting. 70%

* Financial Criteria weighting. 30%

Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 49 points in the Technical Evaluation would be considered for the Financial Evaluation. Interviews may be conducted as part of the technical assessment for shortlisted proposals.





Technical criteria



i. Education



  • Bachelor’s or Master' qualification in either economics, micro-finance, social or development studies, business administration or related field – 5 points
  • Master’s qualification in Economics, Microfinance, Finance, Humanities, or related discipline would be an advantage – 3 points
  • Qualifications in human centric design or any discipline related to digital financial services 2 points



ii. Experience



  • Relevant years of experience working in the microfinance and/or digital financial inclusion, agriculture finance, MSMEs sector in operations or consulting role preferably at senior level



  • Relevant years of professional experience working in the field of digital financial services, agriculture value chains and innovations in solutions for customer acquisition and agent network management, for digital channels in low-fidelity, low-resource environments



  • Demonstrated project management experience, including multi-tasking to lead and execute multiple time-sensitive projects in parallel. Experience in multi-lateral agencies like UN, WBG, ADB etc. will be an advantage.



  • Experience in agri-value chains financing. Experience in the Pacific






Financial Criteria – Lowest Price









Documents to be included when submitting Consultancy Proposals

The following documents may be requested:


  1. Duly executed Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability using the template provided by UNDP.
  2. P11 form using template provided by UNDP which indicates all experience from similar projects, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) with at least three (3) professional references.
  3. Cover Letter specifying suitability of the candidate to the requirements of this position as defined in the ToR.
  4. Financial Proposal that indicates the all-inclusive fixed total contract price, supported by a breakdown of costs, as per template provided.  If an Offeror is employed by an organization/company/institution, and he/she expects his/her employer to charge a management fee in the process of releasing him/her to UNDP under Reimbursable Loan Agreement (RLA), the Offeror must stipulate that arrangement at this point, and ensure that all such costs are duly incorporated in the financial proposal submitted to UNDP.

Lump-sum contracts

The financial proposal shall specify a total lump-sum amount, and payment terms around specific and measurable (qualitative and quantitative) deliverables (i.e. whether payments fall in instalments or upon completion of the entire contract). Payments are based upon output, i.e. upon delivery of the services specified in the TOR.  In order to assist the requesting unit in the comparison of financial proposals, the financial proposal will include a breakdown of this lump-sum amount into – 1/ Consulting fee all-inclusive (e.g. insurance/ communication etc); 2) Flights to and from duty station; and 3/ living expenses for duration of the stay in Port Moresby (70% of total time). 

NOTE: Any duty travels out of Port Moresby, to provinces and project sites in PNG, will be paid separately including tickets, lodging, and terminal expenses as per UNCDF travel policy and upon approval by Country Lead, PNG prior to undertaking the travel. This cost should not be included as part of the financial proposal.

Submission Instructions

Completed proposals should be submitted to procurement.png@undp.org , no later than [18th/April/2022] [5pm PNG time]. For any clarification regarding this assignment, please write to procurement.pg@undp.org 

Please be guided by the instructions provided in this document above while preparing your submission.

Incomplete proposals and failure to comply with proposal submission instruction may not be considered or may result in disqualification of proposal.

UNDP looks forward to receiving your Proposal and thank you in advance for your interest in UNDP procurement opportunities. 


Applications without i) financial offer, ii) P11 form and iii) Documents mentioned under Technical Proposal will NOT be considered for evaluation.

Financial proposal should be on provided format (i.e Annex 3- OFFEROR’S LETTER TO UNDP);

Firms are not eligible for this consultancy assignment (open only for national individual consultants).

Incomplete application will not be considered, it will be disqualified automatically.

Please complete the Statement of Health form and submit along with proposal








Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications. Please group them into one (1) single PDF document as the application only allows to upload maximum one document