RE-BID-UNDP/PN/09/2022-National Consultant - Study on the Status of the Implementation of Federalism in Nepal: An Assessment of the Effectiveness of the Role of Sub-National Levels of Governments

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00114483 - Accelerating implementation of SDGs in Nepal


RE-BID-National Consultant - Study on the Status of the Implementation of Federalism in Nepal:


Description of the assignment: As per the attached Terms of Reference (ToR) – Annex 1.

Project/Unit name: Accelerating Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals in Nepal (AISN)

No. of Consultant: 1 (one)

Period of assignment/services (if applicable): 100 person days spread over 6 months (May – November 2022)

Proposal should be submitted by email to not later than 1730 hours (Nepal Standard Time) on 08 May 2022 mentioning reference No. RE-BID-UNDP/PN/09/2022National Consultant - Study on the Status of the Implementation of Federalism in Nepal: An Assessment of the Effectiveness of the Role of Sub-National Levels of Governments.