Consultancy firm to develop a training curriculum - Extension 01

Link to Atlas Project

00142954 - Integrated Governance Programme III (IGP III)


RFP consultancy firm to develop training curriculum
Budget template


We kindly request you to submit your Proposal for Hiring a Consultancy Firm/NGO/CSO to develop a training curriculum and deliver trainings to ensure Economic Empowerment of WDCs.

Deadline for submitting is extended to the following date.

Proposals may be submitted on or before Sunday, 26 June 2022 , 00:00 (EDT) and via eTendering system in the following link: using your username and password.

If you have not registered in the system before, you can register now by logging in using:

username: event.guest

password: why2change

Please refer to the following User guide for further information when submitting the tender.