RFQ: Social Network Analysis - Evaluation of UNDP support to social protection

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00020162 - Organizational Effectiveness towards Development Outputs


RFQ and TORs
Annex 2: Quotation Submission Form
Annex 3: Technical and Financial Offer Form


The Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is conducting an evaluation of UNDP support to social protection, as planned in its multiyear programme of work (2022-2025) approved by the UNDP Executive Board in February 2022.

The IEO is hiring a firm/institution specialized in the use of social network analysis or other appropriate methods to support the Social Protection evaluation. The IEO will use this analysis to identify bottlenecks and missed opportunities in a select number of countries which face substantial challenges in the social protection systems and where UNDP and/or other development partners’ support has been limited. The analysis will determine and understand the nature of interactions between institutional stakeholders using a systems-lens, to form a better understanding of the social protection context in the countries. This will help evaluate past UNDP approaches to social protection and to identify where and how UNDP may be able to strengthen social protection systems and form partnerships.

The firm/institution will conduct analyses in 4 countries in total. The countries selected will be in the regions in which UNDP operates (Africa, Arab states, Asia and Pacific, Latin American and the Caribbean, Europe and the CIS). The firm/institution will be responsible for collecting all data required for the analysis.

For more information, please refer to the attached documents:

  • RFQ Main document and Annex 1 Terms of Reference
  • Annex 2: Quotation Submission Form
  • Annex 3: Technical and Financial Offer Form