COVID-19 Community Outreach and Advocacy Consultant - Nauru

Link to Atlas Project

Non-UNDP Project


GTC Annex 1
Annex 2


The Joint Programme on “The Human Security Approach to Promote Community Cohesion in the North
Pacific: Human rights-based recovery from COVID-19” proposes to implement a three-country pilot – in
the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), Nauru and Palau – to demonstrate the value of using the
human security approach in supporting these three Micronesian countries to address community issues
as part of the broader discussion on enhancing social cohesion. It also seeks to establish priorities for
implementing human rights commitments in the context of recovery planning as well as longer-term
development programming at the national and local levels.
The Programme is set to produce concrete outcomes that inform national development and human rights
implementation plans, through dialogues and by collating and sharing nationally and regionally the
knowledge, good practice and lessons learned in the Pacific context. All three countries have undergone
a review by the UN Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review process, which supports them in
setting new human rights goals for the next four- to five-year period. In addition, they have been reviewed
by a number of UN human rights treaty bodies over the past years. UN engagement with these three
Micronesian countries is particularly timely also from a political and sustainable development perspective
as programmes that support enhanced human security are more limited in the North Pacific than in other
parts of the region.
In the three target countries, OHCHR and UNDP will work with national partners to organise a series of
community and national dialogues bringing together government and non-government stakeholders (incl.
specific dialogues for women and young people) to discuss COVID19 and broader development and
human rights issues, with a view to sharing concerns, collaborating on people-centred responses and
strengthening the social contract.
The consultant will work to plan, implement, and review targeted community outreach dialogue and
prepare the knowledge products, which are the outcome of the community dialogues. These will
influence the knowledge products of the joint programme which includes community dialogue reports,
country report and a regional report.


Scope of Work
Under the overall supervision of the OHCHR Regional Representative for the Pacific and the
Programme Coordinator (National Human Rights Officer based in Fiji) for the joint programme will
undertake the following tasks:
• Serve as member of National Steering Committee and liaise with National (Government) Focal
Point for the Joint Programme, in close consultation with programme lead.
• Plan for 4 community outreach and 2 CSO and key stakeholders outreach meetings using the
Human Security and Human Rights approach methodology for community and stakeholder
• Coordinate the community and stakeholder outreach dialogues with necessary approvals
sought from relevant authorities which includes the state and local authorities. Prepare for
outreach dialogues with reference documents such as the COVID-19 situation of the country
report, Universal Periodic Review [UPR] recommendations, national development plans etc.,
prepare attendance strategy- inclusion of women, youth, people living with disability, LGBTI
community, other groups that should not be left behind.
• Facilitate the community and stakeholder dialogue and ensure that the programme aims and
objectives during the discussions are met. Ensuring the balance in participants as planned in
the attendance strategies and conduct evaluation of the dialogue at the end.
• Liaise with media outlets to cover stories relating to the community outreach. Consultant
should also ensure that the dialogues gain visibility through the setting up of visibility materials
banner and the collection of dialogue photo for reporting, social media posting and mainstream
media release.
• Conduct post meeting discussions with community outreach team to identify strengthening
and areas for improvement.
• Collation of dialogue data and information for drafting of community and stakeholders dialogue
• Draft and finalize reports.
Expected Outputs and Deliverables- Please note that this is standardized for each country:
due date
Delivery 1
Planning and
preparation for
community and CSO
• Submission of draft personal work plan.
• Followign up with governments on appointments of
National Steering Committee and hold first periodic
meeting of NSC
• Finalizing project workplan in consultation with
national steering group inc. key community
enablers, State and CSOs.
• Working with Programme Coordinator to finalize
the community dialogue package which includes
Human security principles, UPR recommendation
for prioritization, National Development Plan pillars,
COVID-19 issues to guide the dialogue.
• Holding training of trainers on methodology for
community dialogues
• Preparing and finalizing concept note and agenda
for dialogue and finalize logistic note to include
draft participants [ensure balance in participation]


list, arrangement of venue, key speakers’ other
logistical arrangements such as visibility and media
strategy. - including banner, setup, social media
posting, partnering with mainstream media and
input for joint media/press release.
Delivery 2
• Organization of 2 workshops
• Ensure recording and participants list of the dialogue
• Coordinate social and mainstream media strategy
• Finalize and submit internal de-briefing note with
analysis of evaluation forms and lessons learned for
next dialogues
Delivery 3
Coordinate and
facilitate 4
community and 2
CSO dialogue
• Organization of 4 workshops
• Ensure proper recording and participants list of the
• Coordinate social media posting and mainstream
media posting.
• Finalize and submission of internal de-briefing report
with analysis of evaluation form and dialogue notes.
15 June
Delivery 4
Reporting of the 6
• 6 Final reports submitted through
Programme Coordinator to Regional
Representative OHCHR
• Contribute to regional report through
Programme Coordinator
30 June



Institutional Arrangement
• The Consultant will report to the OHCHR Regional Representative for the Pacific and as delegated
to the OHCHR Programme Coordinator (National Human Rights Officer) for the Joint Programme.
Regular online meetings will be required (circumstances may change based on Covid 19
regulations in the duty station).
• The Consultant will provide regular updates to programme partners OHCHR and UNDP on
progress as required.
• The Consultant will be engaging with the Joint Steering Committee and internal and external
stakeholders/partners during the assignment to complete the task.
Duration of Work: 115 days over 7 months period
Duty Station
• Duty station will be in respective countries- Nauru


• Strong interpersonal and communication skills;
• Strong analytical, reporting and writing abilities skills;
• Openness to change and ability to receive/integrate feedback;
• Ability to plan, organize, implement and report on work;


• Ability to work under pressure and tight deadlines;
• Comprehensiveness knowledge of human rights and human security concepts and principals
• Proficiency in the use of office IT applications and internet;
• Outstanding communication;
• Excellent presentation and facilitation skills.
• Demonstrates integrity and ethical standards;
• Positive, constructive attitude to work;
• Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.


Educational Qualifications:
• A degree in International Human Rights , Development, Politics and/or related area is required.
• A first-level university degree in combination with two additional years of qualifying experience
may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.
• At least 5 years of progressively responsible experience in outreach, advocacy and reporting
relating to community development.
• At least 2 years on Human Rights issues is desirable.
• Experience in human security is an asset;
• Experience in the national development plan implementation and review an asset;
• Field and community dialogue methodology experience is an asset.
Language requirements
• Fluency of English language is required;
• Knowledge of local language would be an asset.
Price Proposal and Schedule of Payments
Consultant must send a financial proposal-based on Lump Sum Amount. The total amount quoted shall
be all-inclusive and include all costs components required to perform the deliverables identified in the
TOR, including professional fee, travel costs, living allowance (if any work is to be done outside the IC´s
duty station) and any other applicable cost to be incurred by the IC in completing the assignment. The
contract price will fixed output-based price regardless of extension of the herein specified duration.
Payments will be done upon completion of the deliverables/outputs and as per below percentages:
• Deliverable 1 [Planning and preparation for community and CSO dialogue]: 50% of total contract
• Deliverable 2 [Coordinate and facilitate community and CSO dialogue]: 25% of total contract amount
• Deliverable 3 [Reporting of the 6 community/CSO dialogue]: 25% of total contract amount
In general, UNDP and OHCHR shall not accept travel costs exceeding those of an economy class ticket.
Should the IC wish to travel on a higher class he/she should do so using their own resources
In the event of unforeseeable travel not anticipated in this TOR, payment of travel costs including
tickets, lodging and terminal expenses should be agreed upon, between the respective business unit
and the Individual Consultant, prior to travel and will be reimbursed.


Evaluation Method and Criteria
Individual consultants will be evaluated based on the following methodology
Lowest price and technically compliant offer
The award of the contract shall be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated
and determined as both: a) responsive/compliant/acceptable, and b) offering the lowest price/cost.
Technical Criteria for Evaluation (Maximum 70 points)
• Criteria 1 Bachelor’s degree in development studies, human rights, or any related field -Max 10
• Criteria 2 2 years’ experience in human rights issues and 5 years’ experience in community and/or
national development- Max 20 Points
• Criteria 3 Skills in coordinating community outreach and stakeholder liaisons, understanding the
local context and experiences in coordinating program for people living in vulnerable and
marginalized community. Max 20 points
• Criteria 4 Reporting experience to various entity such as national steering group and the
production of high-level dialogue reports Max 20 Points
Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 49 points (70% of the total technical points) would be
considered for the Financial Evaluation.
Documentation required
Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate
their qualifications. Please group them into one (1) single PDF document as the application only
allows to upload maximum one document:
• Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability using the template provided in Annex II.
• Personal CV, indicating all experience from similar projects, as well as the contact details (email
and telephone number) of the Candidate and at least three (3) professional references.
• Technical proposal, including a) a brief description of why the individual considers him/herself
as the most suitable for the assignment
• Financial proposal, as per template provided in Annex II. Note: National consultants must quote
prices in United States Dollars (USD).
Note: Successful individual will be required to provide proof of medical insurance coverage before
commencement of contract for the duration of the assignment.
Incomplete and joint proposals may not be considered. Consultants with whom there is further interest
will be contacted. The successful consultant shall opt to sign an Individual Contract or a Reimbursable
Loan Agreement (RLA) through its company/employer with UNDP.
• Annex I - Individual IC General Terms and Conditions
• Annex II – Offeror’s Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and Availability for the Individual IC,
including Financial Proposal Template
For any clarification regarding this assignment please write to