Private Sector Partnership Consultant

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00027051 - Management Plan


ANNEX2_UNDP General Conditions for Individual Contracts
ANNEX 3_Offeror's Letter(Financial Proposal)
Procurement Notice__PrivateSectorPartnershipConsultant



7 years after the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the private sector is increasingly recognized as keys to accelerate innovation and progress towards SDGs.


By 2030, the SDGs will be the main global guidance framework for businesses, investors and governments, unlocking private capital and increasing the number of businesses of all sizes that align their strategies and operations with the SDGs.


UNDP Representation Office in Tokyo has been responsible for partnership building with the private sector and relevant programmes in Japan, such as SDG Impact and the    Japan SDGs Innovation Challenge for UNDP Accelerator Labs (JSIC). SDG Impact is a flagship initiative of UNDP established to accelerate private sector investment and contribution toward achieving the SDGs. As per a strong interest from the Japanese private sector, SDG Impact Standards for Enterprises, embedding sustainability at the core of business strategy, was translated into Japanese, and the training course in Japanese was launched this summer. JSIC, run in partnership with UNDP Accelerator Labs and Japan Innovation Network (JIN), aims to identify solutions to local development issues with the participation of the Japanese private sector. Our partnership has also expanded to Japan Business Federation (Keidanren) and the Japan Association of Corporate Executives (KEIZAI DOYUKAI), to work with a network of prominent Japanese corporations in broad areas of SDG implementation in business.


Private Sector Partnership Consultant is responsible for overall advocacy, outreach, resource mobilization and partnership development with the private sector and other partners, and identification of potential private sector donors, thereby leading innovation practices to move the Japanese business communities toward inclusive and sustainable development.