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Portal za dobavljače, konsultante i partnere „Quantum“(Supplier Portal)
Procurement Process :Other
Deadline :31-Dec-23
Posted on :19-Jan-23
Development Area :OTHER  OTHER
Reference Number :97456
Link to Atlas Project :
00063912 - Development Effectiveness
Documents :
UNDP Quantum - User Guide For suppliers October Edition
Overview :

Poštovani dobavljači, konsultanti i partneri,

dobro došli na portal za dobavljače, konsultante i partnere „Quantum“ (Supplier Portal)!

Na ovom portalu moći ćete se registrovati kao novi UN-ov dobavljač, konsultant i partner, ažurirati svoj postojeći profil, podnositi prijave na tendere i učestvovati u aktuelnoj nabavci, pregledati narudžbenice i ugovore izdate na vaše ime te dostaviti fakture.

Portal služi kao jedinstvena tačka na kojoj možete pristupiti oglasima za nabavke, kao i angažmanima i raditi sa jednom ili više agencija UN-a:

1) Razvojni program Ujedinjenih nacija (UNDP),

2) Populacijski fond Ujedinjenih nacija (UNFPA),

3) Entitet Ujedinjenih nacija za rodnu ravnopravnost i osnaživanje žena (UN Women),

4) Fond Ujedinjenih nacija za kapitalni razvoj (UNCDF),

5) Institut za obuku i istraživanje Ujedinjenih nacija (UNITAR),

6) Kolegij osoblja Ujedinjenih nacija (UNSSC),

7) Volonteri Ujedinjenih nacija (UNV),

8) Univerzitet Ujedinjenih nacija (UNU) i

9) Višepartnerski uzajamni fond (MPTF).

Nakon što izvršite registraciju kod bilo koje od gore navedenih agencija UN-a, sve ostale prethodno navedene agencije UN-a mogu pristupiti i koristiti vaš profil.

Ukoliko ste kao dobavljač, konsultant ili partner prethodno navedenih agencija imali više ID brojeva u Atlasu, sada možete imati jedinstveni broj u Quantum-u i isti broj mogu koristiti sve gore navedene agencije UN-a. Sve narudžbenice  koje će vam se izdavati, vezat će se za vaš jedinstveni novi broj.

Ako ste dobavljač, konsultant, partner koji ima aktivan/tekući ugovor/narudžbenicu ili neplaćene fakture kod bilo koje od gore navedenih agencija UN-a zaključno sa 31.12. 2022. godine, smatrate se “odobrenim” dobavljačem te UN agencije. Sve vaše aktivne narudžbenice iz starog sistema ( Atlasa) prenese su u novi Quantum Portal, pri čemu je broj narudžbenice ostao isti te sadrži preostali neplaćeni iznos. Sva buduća plaćanja, UN agencije vršit će putem Quantum portala.

Ukoliko su vam plaćene sve obaveze prema prethodno izdatim narudžbenicama, a zaključno sa 31.12.2022.godine te narudžbenice nisu prenesene u Quantum portal. Za izdavanje svih budućih narudžbenica neophodno je da se registrujete i popunite vaš profil.

Možete biti registrovani u okviru jedne ili više agencija UN-a globalno.

Ako budete imali pitanja ili nejasnoća prilikom registracije i popunjavanja profila, kontaktirajte ured za nabavke pripadajuće agencije u zemlji.

Za više detalja molimo vas da pogledate link u nastavku: 

Webinar : EN - Quantum Supplier Portal - Webinar for Suppliers - YouTube


Dear Suppliers, Consultants and Partners,

Welcome to the Quantum Supplier Portal!

In this portal you will be able to register as a new UN supplier or partner, update your existing supplier profile, submit bids and participate on current procurement, view Purchase Orders and Agreements issued under your name, and submit Invoices.

This Quantum Supplier Portal serves as the single point of entry to access opportunities and work with any or all of the following UN Agencies:

1) United Nations Development Programme (UNDP),

2) United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA),

3) United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women),

4) United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF),

5) United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR),

6) United Nations System Staff College (UNSSC),

7) United Nations Volunteers (UNV),

8) United Nations University (UNU) and

9) Multi-Partners Trust Fund (MPTF).

Once you complete your registration with any of the above UN Agency, your profile can be accessed and used by all other participating UN Agencies.

If you had multiple vendor IDs in Atlas with any of the above UN Agencies, you may now have a single supplier number in Quantum, and the same number can be used by all UN agencies listed above. All POs that will be issued under your name shall make use of that single new quantum supplier number.

If you are a supplier/consultant/partner that has an active/ongoing contract/Purchase Order or unpaid invoices with any of the above listed UN agency as of 31 December 2022, you are considered as a “spend authorized” supplier for your client UN agency. This means that the Purchase Order (PO) under your name from our old system has been migrated here in the Quantum Supplier Portal, bearing the same PO number, but containing only the unpaid balance amount. This means that your client UN agency will be able to disburse future payments to you using Quantum.

If your client UN agency has fully paid the PO issued under your name before 31 December 2022, and there are no more payments due to you, the PO under your name from our old system was no longer migrated here in the Quantum Supplier Portal. Any future POs under your name will have to be created anew after you have registered and completed your profile.

You may be registered for multiple business units within UN Agency or across UN Agencies.

Should you have any query or encounter any issue while registering and completing your profile, please reach out to your procurement counterpart in the Country Office/Business Unit.

For more information please refer to the following link :

EN - Quantum Supplier Portal - Webinar for Suppliers - YouTube