Call for Proposals to establish a pilot paralegal scheme at the Juba Central Prison from a legal firm, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including NGOs for small grants in Central Equatoria State.

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00127551 - Support to Access to Justice, Security and Human Rights


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UNDP through the Access to Justice and Rule of Law Strengthening program with funding from the Kingdom of the Netherlands seek the services of a competent and reputable registered legal firm, Civil Society Organization or National Non- Governmental Organization with an existing relationship with the National Prisons Service of South Sudan to establish and operationalise the pilot paralegal scheme at the Juba Central Prison. The successful entity will be tasked to build the capacity of selected inmates, prison officers in Juba Central Prison and selected police officers within the stations in Juba, to provide legal aid for the inmates in the Prison and accused persons in police stations to tackle the challenge of prolonged and arbitrary detention for a duration of six months. They will also be expected to strengthen the file tracing process as well as the referral pathway for the inmates in need of legal representation in coordination with the Legal Aid Department and other relevant stakeholders. 



The main objective of the grant is to identify national organizations in legal practice – whether law firms, civil society organizations (CSO), national non-governmental organizations (NNGO) or community-based organizations (CBO) – with operational presence and capacity in Juba. They need to have an existing established relationship with the prisons service.


  1. Establish and operationalize a sustainable, client sensitive legal clinic including identification and training of staff to the paralegal legal aid services in Juba Central Prison for the 6 months of operationalization. 
  1. Provide legal advice and representation on criminal cases, as well as administrative matters for the inmates focusing on the most vulnerable groups such as women and girls, SGBV survivors, elderly, as well as IDPs and returnees.
  2. To sensitize the inmates on the litigation process, their human and constitutional rights and entitlements to fair and free trial, empowering them to successfully represent themselves during the trial process.
  3. To sensitize the newly admitted inmates through legal outreaches on general prisons procedures, rules, regulations, discipline, obligations, and rights.
  4. Provide psychosocial support to inmates, those in distress, including the newly convicted, those suffering from post-traumatic experiences, those who have been bereaved while in prison among other challenges. 




The organizations are encouraged to develop their own expected results based on their respective assessment of needs, issues, and challenges of vulnerable groups during the period of implementation. Expected results will include the following:

Expected Outputs

  • 100 paralegal providers from a team of inmates, prison and police officers identified, trained and mentored;
  • At least 20% of the court files for the inmates to be traced while regularly updating the inmates; 
  • A database of the cases supported, the kind of support provided, and outcome/ result of the action undertaken developed;
  • At least 120 inmates are informed and accessing the legal aid services through the weekly sensitization workshops;
  • Reduced number of remand and convicted inmates by 10% and 5% respectively in the central juba prison through bonds, bails, acquittals, and successful appeals;
  • A well-equipped legal aid clinic to support regular legal advice, training and workshops for inmates established in Juba Central prison.


  1. Inform new inmates on their rights and obligations on arrival to prison.
  2. To conduct paralegal and communication trainings for both inmates and prison personnel (including moot court) 
  3. Conduct weekly sensitization outreaches within the prison on the trial process, court etiquette and legal entitlements for the accused persons.
  4. Schedule regular meetings with the stakeholders supporting legal aid in prisons.
  5. Develop materials including booklets, posters placed within the prisons on prison rules, rights, and duties of the inmates in Arabic and English 
  6. Establish a paralegal office and equip with the relevant legal, human rights and related documents.

vii.Submit reports monthly, or more frequently if needed, with accurately documented information on implemented activities including follow up recommendations.

viii.Conduct regular visit to police station and prison in Juba to identify vulnerable groups (persons) to be supported with the prison-based legal aid services.