Advisory Services for the Design and Implementation of Orange economy Hubs in Select Cities

Link to Atlas Project

Non-UNDP Project


RFP_Inclucity Orange Economy Hubs 2023_Final_03202023
Amendment 1 to RFP - Extension of Deadline


UNCDF is the implementor, in collaboration with Local Municipalities across Africa, in the select countries, such as: Morocco, Senegal, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Seychelles. The primary beneficiaries of the programme include municipalities, local artists, and women and youth-led businesses. 

The consultancy services required for this RFP will be implemented as part of UNCDF’s Inclusive Cities Financing project (IncluCity) based in the Local Transformative Financing practice. UNCDF will utilize its inclusive investment model developed as part of the IncluCity programme to finance economic and cultural infrastructure in target cities in Africa. With strong partnerships with the city mayors and municipalities, IncluCity provides a comprehensive approach to mayors and city planners through technical assistance, capacity building, new tools, and direct financing to deploy innovative solutions to address growing economic exclusions by focusing on the creative and cultural infrastructure, aka the orange economy. 

  • The consultant will provide advice and support to UNCDF and its clients in the design and implementation of the orange economy element within ’s IncluCity hubs in Africa. Selection of hubs according to the criteria defined by the IncluCity.
  • Integration of orange economy ‘products’ within each hub, leading to the design and layout of the orange economy facilities within each hub
  • Integration of outputs from the orange economy facilities within the local and global creative economies.
  • Sourcing of potential financiers to co-finance the orange economy hubs.
  • Replication and scale up of the orange economy ‘model’ to other locations not directly covered by IncluCity support.
  • Catalyze partnerships and networking among local governments and key stakeholders in the orange economy value chain. 
  • Raising the profile of the orange economy facilities within the IncluCity hubs, particularly through documenting and disseminating achievements and impacts. 
  • Supervision of consultants and technical specialists work to ensure consistency and conformity to UNCDF standards; evaluate studies and sector-related project documentation.

Provide required information for regular performance monitoring and reporting on project achievements, delivery, and other areas of accountability.


For full details, please see RFP and TOR