Call for Proposals from C (CSOs), including NGOs for grants to implement Ecosystem-based Adaptation in climate-affected areas in Terekeka and Kapoeta; and enhance public knowledge and understanding on climate change issues, mitigation and adaptat in Juba CLOSED EARLY

Link to Atlas Project

00123764 - Climate Change, Environment and DRM


Cfpfor grants to implement Ecosystem-based Adaptation in climate-affected areas in Terekeka and Kapoeta; and enhance public knowledge and understanding on climate change issues, mitigation and adaptation in Juba, Central Equatoria State.


I.                BACKGROUND


South Sudan gained its independence in 2011 following a long and protracted civil war. Since then, two significant conflicts broke out (December 2013 and July 2016) plunging the country in a deep economic, social and political crisis which have undermined the development gains achieved since independence and exacerbated the continuing humanitarian crisis. The country is endowed with vast natural resources and economic potential that has not translated into improved standards of living for the citizens. It is extremely vulnerable to climate change impacts with rising temperatures and the increasing severity of drought and flood events having major negative impacts on lives and livelihoods. Such impacts compounded food insecurity, conflicts, and a macroeconomic crisis. Capacity-constrained institutions and fragile governance in the post-conflict context add to the challenges of climate change adaptation in South Sudan.

The environment and natural resources of South Sudan are the foundation for economic and social development to satisfy important economic, social, cultural, and political needs of its people. However, climate change coupled with human activities are posing a threat to the quality of environment mostly resulting from unsustainable use of natural resources and pollution from agricultural development. Land degradation poses serious threats to food security, water availability, adaptation and mitigation to climate change and the livelihoods of the people of South Sudan.

Project Description and Components

UNDP, in partnership with the South Sudan Ministry of Environment and Forestry, UNEP and GEF, is implementing a project that focuses on priority areas identified within South Sudan’s Nationally Determined Commitments (NDC) and National Adaptation Plan (NAP), namely, agriculture, disaster risk reduction, environment, water resources, policy and institutional frameworks.





The three Project components are.

Outcome 1: Institutional capacity for adaptation to climate change developed.

Outcome 2: Ecosystem-based Adaptation strategies transferred to communities as part of an agreed land-use plan     structured to reduce people’s vulnerability to climate change.

Outcome 3: Strengthened knowledge base and transfer of knowledge on climate change effects and adaptation benefits.

This call for proposals in under component 2 (Terekeka and Kapoeta); and Component 3 (Juba).




The project is to increase the resilience of vulnerable communities in two states in South Sudan to the observed and predicted impacts of climate change through a series of complementary interventions that will produce and disseminate knowledge on climate change adaptation to inform evidence-based decision-making in relevant sectors that are designed to generate sustained benefits beyond the project’s lifetime with a focus on capacity-building, community ownership, and knowledge generation and dissemination.

Objectives of the Request for Proposals

The general objective of this call is to solicit experienced local partners to implement and transfer ecosystem-based adaptation knowledge to the communities under the proposed LDCF project. The project’s component 2: EbA adaptation strategies transferred to communities to reduce people’s vulnerability to climate change and increase community actions that protect the local ecosystems; and Component 3: Strengthened knowledge base and transfer of knowledge on climate change effects and adaptation benefits. These activities will be sustained beyond the project’s lifetime through the establishment of strong community leadership of the project.



The main outputs under this project are listed below, in attached call for proposal.