Promotion of community-based economic empowerment in Khatlon region

Link to Atlas Project

00121699 - LITACA-III


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Promotion of community-based economic empowerment in Khatlon region

Applicants must submit their proposals on or before 12:00 hrs, Thursday, June 6, 2024, and via email, courier mail or fax to the address below:

United Nations Development Programme

Tajikistan, Dushanbe, 39 Ayni Street

Following documents should be submitted.

1) Technical Proposal in line with the requirements of this TOR;

2) Documentation requested in the Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) and the filled REOI in the format as it is given in Annex 1;

3) Filled in Financial Proposal Form in local currency in the format as it is given in Annex 2;

4) All other necessary documents indicated in the TOR and in line with its requirements.

Once the application is complete and submitted, revised versions of proposal documents will not be accepted.