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ASEAN Blue Innovation Challenge
Procurement Process :Innovation Challenge
Office :UNDP Country Office - INDONESIA
Deadline :15-Jul-24
Posted on :18-Apr-24
Development Area :SERVICES  SERVICES
Reference Number :98266
Link to Atlas Projects :
00142434 - PIP Accelerating Robust Carbon Pricing
00144599 - Poverty - Environment Action - Indonesia
Documents :
Form - ASEAN Blue Innovation Challenge
Terms of Reference (TOR) - ASEAN Blue Innovation Challenge
Overview :

The ASEAN Blue Innovation Challenge (ABIC) represents an initiative aimed at fostering the development of the blue economy in Southeast Asia and Timor-Leste. It seeks to identify, finance, and support innovative solutions geared towards the conservation and sustainable management of marine ecosystems, coastal areas, and freshwater resources. This initiative acknowledges the challenges posed by factors such as climate change and plastic pollution. In addition to providing financial support, the ABIC facilitates connections between innovators and potential stakeholders, including investors and business entities. 

The ABIC is inviting both profit-oriented and non-profit entities that are legally registered in one of ASEAN member states and/or Timor-Leste and have innovative solutions focusing on the main topics above to be implemented in one of these countries. The innovators that wish to join in this initiative must consist of a minimum of 3 (three) people representing a legal entity/organization.

For detail, please refer to the attached ToR or visit: 

Don't miss out this incredible opportunity to bring your vision to life and make a difference in the world. Interested applicants should submit and apply their proposal to  ASEAN Blue Innovation Challenge ( with subject email “Innovation Challenge - ASEAN Blue Innovation” before July 15, 2024 (11.59 PM UTC+07:00)

Thank you.