Enhancing Access to Clean Cooking Solutions for Household, Micro-enterprises and MSMEs of Kinshasa, Lubumbashi, Goma and Bukavu in DRC.

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Request for Proposal


Enhancing Access to Clean Cooking Solutions for Household, Micro-enterprises and MSMEs of Kinshasa, Lubumbashi, Goma and Bukavu in DRC.

In DRC, UNCDF is implementing with UNDP a Joint Programme for the Sustainable Consumption and Partial Substitution for Wood Energy in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).  Funded by the Central African Forest Initiative (CAFI) through the National REDD+ Funds of the DRC (FONAREDD), the Joint Programme is structured around three main energy sub-sectors of focus: Improved Stoves; Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG); Micro-Hydro Electricals. This is through an institutional setup that makes use of a diversified partnership with Congolese public institutions, the private sector, UN agencies, research institutions and learned societies as well as civil society. To this end, the Joint Programme aims to contribute to the establishment of a sustainable clean cooking market through (i) the establishment of a favorable environment and (ii) an incubation programme for the private sector to select clean cooking companies to receive funding and technical assistance throughout the duration of the programme. In line with the national and international lessons learned, the Joint Programme's efforts are focused on sites where a viable and self-sufficient potential market exists, with the presence of actors able to benefit effectively from catalytic technical and financial support of the Joint Programme to change scale of production (knowledge of the sector and sufficient basic entrepreneurial capacities).

UNCDF aims to address the barriers to clean cooking energy access in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) by developing local market for clean cooking (improved energies and cook stoves) in a viable and commercial way through an incubation programme.

In 2021, the study conducted by the Sustainable Consumption and Partial Substitution of firewood Program found that more than 95% of households depend on wood energy for cooking and only about 12% have access to improved cooking stoves using wood energy, which leads to a significant deforestation rate. Indeed, more than 54% of deforestation of the DRC's forest cover is due to the collection of wood energy for cooking.

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)'s National Energy Policy (2023-2035) highlights the pivotal role of the energy sector in its development plans. The reliance on biomass, such as wood and charcoal, for cooking energy has drawn

This program is fiunded by Central Africa Forest Initiative ( CAFI) and implemented by UNDP and UNCDF in Democratic Republic of Congo under the FONAREDD portfolio and aims at reducing usage of firewood for cooking in order to protect forest

considerable attention from local and international stakeholders, policymakers, governmental and non-governmental organizations. This attention is due to the significant deforestation effects and the health hazards posed by household air pollution (HAP) resulting from biomass combustion.

The promotion of clean fuel significantly influences a nation’s socio-economic landscape. Environmental and sustainability considerations have led to a notable decrease in the use of traditional heating and energy sources such as firewood and charcoal, making way for alternatives like liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), commonly referred to as "bottled gas." Increased awareness among consumers regarding the benefits of LPG is expected to boost its usage. However, several factors contribute to the low and unequal access to and use of LPG, including the initial costs associated with acquiring LPG cylinders, cookstoves, and equipment, as well as a lack of consumer knowledge.

Recognizing these complex issues, the UNCDF aims to enhance clean cooking solutions access in DRC by optimizing distribution networks and scaling production. This initiative targets households, micro-entrepreneurs, and MSMEs to promote sustainable consumption and broaden clean cooking adoption.

The objectives of this TOR are the following:

  1. Enhance clean cooking awareness among households of DRC. This would accelerate adoption of clean cooking solutions by educating them about available clean cooking solutions, its benefits and how they can access these solutions by cash or credit schemes.

        2. Increase clean cooking literacy among micro-entrepreneurs and MSMEs in the DRC, supporting the adoption of various clean cooking                  solutions including LPG.  This initiative aims to scale up clean cooking adoption and promote sustainable consumption patterns among                  these groups.

Please see attached RFP for detailed information on this opportunity and the proposal submission process. All submissions shoud be sent to uncdf.procurement@uncdf.org