Call for Proposals for a Grant - Capacity building of 200 young women graduated from STEM studies in green energy solutions focusing on Solarization

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Non-UNDP Project


TOR - Capacity building of 200 young women graduated from STEM studies in green energy solutions focusing on Solarization
Annex A - Grant Proposal Form



Call for Proposals for Grants

Capacity building of 200 young women graduated from STEM studies in green energy solutions focusing on Solarization

Deadline: 2nd August 2024

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has initiated a flagship project to support national efforts of expanding affordable and sustainable energy access in Sierra Leone, particularly targeting rural communities. One of the components of the project is to empower young women in green energy, implement technical and vocational training programs to enhance their skills and knowledge in solar energy solutions, entrepreneurship, financial management, and digital technologies, so they can actively participate in the renewable energy sector and seize opportunities for economic empowerment. As part of the implementation of this initiative, UNDP is seeking qualified organizations to apply for a grant to build capacity in green energy solutions for 200 young women graduating from Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) studies.

The main objective of this call for proposals for a grant is to identify a suitable organization (CSO/CBO/NGO/Foundation/Academia) to build capacity 200 young women who have graduated from STEM studies in green energy solutions. Specifically, design and implement a training programme to develop practical skills and knowledge of young women seeking a professional future in green energy solutions focusing on solar installation and maintenance, digital information management systems to become certified solar practitioners.

Who Is Eligible to Apply?

Applicants must meet the following requirements:

  1. Should be a Non-profit national organization (CSO/CBO/NGO/Foundation/Academia)
  2. Eligible organization should have specialized expertise in provision of similar of implementing capacity building initiatives in green energy solutions focusing on solar installation and maintenance, digital information management systems, and mentorship support. 
  3. Experience of at least 5 years in implementing initiatives with similar scope and nature is required.
  4. Prospective organization should have appropriate training facilities.
  5. Prospective organization should be registered in accordance with the legal requirements of the Government of Sierra Leone.

Procedures of Grant Proposal Submission

Those wishing to apply to Grants, must submit:

  1. Signed Grants Proposal populated template (See annex A)
  2. Organization Synopsis
  3. CVs of all project staff who will be dedicated to the proposed grant activity.
  4. Workplan, performance targets.
  5. Other documents as required in line with the Terms of Reference

Submissions should be made electronically in one file (pdf format) signed and scanned to the following email:

One submission per organization or a joint proposal is allowable for this call. In case prospective organizations are submitting a joint proposal as coalitions, the main applicant must provide support letters from relevant co-applicant specifying their respective role. Once the application is complete and submitted, revised versions of proposal documents will not be accepted.

The deadline for applications is 1:00pm on Friday, 2nd August 2024. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.