Technical Writer

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Non-UNDP Project


Terms of Reference


Project Title

Collective Impact on Future of Work in Bangladesh part of the Leaving No One Behind Project

About UNCDF   

The United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) assists developing countries in the development of their economies by supplementing existing sources of capital assistance by means of grants, loans and guarantees, first and foremost for the least developed among the developing countries.

As a Flagship Catalytic Blended Financing platform of the United Nations (UN), UNCDF utilizes its unique capability to crowd-in finance for the scaling of development impact where the needs are greatest—a capability rooted in UNCDF’s unique investment mandate—to support the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the realization of the Doha Programme of Action for the least developed countries, 2022–2031.

UNCDF’s expertise is in three primary areas of work: (1) development and financing of inclusive digital economies through a market development approach, largely driven by digital finance and innovation; (2) local development finance through fiscal decentralization (including local climate adaptation finance), municipal finance and structured project finance, to drive market transformation in local economic development; and (3) investment finance, to drive capital accumulation and market transformation in financially underserved areas, including investment sourcing, due diligence, de-risking, deployment of loans and guarantees, and crowding in of investment capital from domestic and international investors.

Project Description 

UNCDF initiated “Collective Impact on Future of Work in Bangladesh” project in January 2023, as part of their Leaving No One Behind (LNOB) in the Digital Era in Bangladesh project, with the primary objective to enhance financial independence and improving access to social protection schemes of RMG workers (particularly women). The project has been designed to identify the gaps in the digital finance ecosystem and recommend a self-sustaining business model for improved usage of digital financial products and social protection services by the RMG manufacturing sector workers, specifically women workers.

UNCDF identified numerous social protection schemes for Ready -made garments (RMG) workers, such as the Central Fund and Employee Injury Schemes, led by the Ministry of Labour and Employment with the support of major industry associations BGMEA and BKMEA, along with contributions from export-oriented suppliers. These schemes provide crucial support during various contingencies, including injuries, illnesses, maternity, and job loss due to factory closures.

However, despite the existence of these schemes, challenges persist. Workers exhibit limited awareness of available social protection programs, leading to low claim rates. Moreover, the complex claiming process, manual procedures, and challenges with data integration contribute to delays in benefit disbursement, averaging three to four months. For these reasons, UNCDF team in collaboration with an external agency developed and delivered a multilayer awareness campaign among the RMG workers about social protection and welfare services provided by public and private stakeholders. The project helped increase awareness among workers, factory welfare teams, and workers' unions about existing schemes to boost application rates and knowledge retention.

The project implemented these campaigns in major RMG clusters in the Dhaka division (Savar, Gazipur, Narayanganj).

Scope of Services

Given this background, the UNCDF is seeking an individual consultant (IC). The consultant is expected to:

  • Develop a detailed work plan outlining key deliverable, timelines, and the strategic approach for completing the assignment according to the project requirements.
  • Perform an in-depth analysis of all existing project documentation, including reports, monitoring and evaluation data, and stakeholder feedback.
  • Collaborate with project beneficiaries, partners, and other relevant stakeholders to gather qualitative data through interviews, testimonials, and case studies.
  • Produce a draft comprehensive report and at least two case stories that effectively communicates the project's impact and achievements, ensuring alignment with UNCDF’s communication objectives.
  • Collaborate with photographers or project staff to select or commission high-quality images that visually represent the project's outcomes.
  • Manage the editing and proofreading process to ensure the report is error-free, consistent in style and tone, and adheres to the highest quality standards.
  • Finalize and share the comprehensive report, ensuring that it is polished, professional, and ready for dissemination and publication in both print and digital formats.

Expected Outputs / Deliverables and Payment Terms

The payment for the IC will be made upon successful submission and approval of the final report. The following table outlines the tasks to be undertaken, the deliverables expected from each task, the target due dates, and the percentage of the contract price allocated to each deliverable. The total payment will be released in a single installment after the final report is submitted and approved.

List of Tasks to be Undertaken/Services to be Rendered

Deliverables/ Outputs Arising from the Completion of Tasks

Target Due Dates

Percentage of Contract Price to be Paid

1) Preparatory work

Detailed work plan highlighting key milestones and deliverables, including methodology, processes, and a list of stakeholders to be consulted.

October 2024



An in-depth analysis report of all existing project documentation, including reports, monitoring and evaluation data, and stakeholder feedback.

Summary of the findings from the engagements with the various stakeholders

2) Draft report

Draft report and case study framework based on the findings ensuring they are visually appealing and edited approved UNCDF team.

October 2024


3) Finalize the comprehensive report

Final report and case studies with high-quality images, and a cohesive narrative that effectively communicates the project's impact approved by UNCDF team.

November 2024


Please refer to the attached TOR for more information. All requested documents including the Letter of Confirmation of Interest must be submitted to

For any clarification please write to