IC-Capacity Building and Training for Multilateral Environment Agreement Negotiators with a focus in Climate Change

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00096356 - Botswana's Third National Communication


Terms of Reference


Climate change has become a real threat to mankind with scientific evidence progressively establishing its reality with a high degree of certainty and also the influence of human activities on the climate system. Therefore, precautionary measures should be undertaken to manage the risks and uncertainties posed by climate change. The international community’s efforts to combat adverse effects of climate change can be traced from promulgation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its related implementation mechanisms, including the Paris Agreement and Conference of Parties (COP) decisions, which Botswana is party to. The process of defining a common ground for all the Parties has translated through negotiations into climate change response mechanisms addressing both socio-economic and policy considerations.


Through negotiations and policy development, the international community has indicated its commitment and willingness to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change, which has proven to be a reality that can no longer be underestimated. The effects are being experienced in various economic sectors such as water, agriculture, energy, natural resources and infrastructure development with devastating socio-economic repercussions.


To this end, the Government of Botswana in Partnership with the United Nations Development Programme is looking for a suitable consultant to build capacity of Botswana climate Change negotiators in preparation for the 25th Conference of Parties (COP 25).