RFQ/2019/MUS/007 - Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Servers and ICT Equipment, including the setting-up of a Server Room at the Utility Regulatory Authority (URA)
Procurement Process
RFQ - Request for quotation
UNDP Country Office - MAURITIUS
Published on
Reference Number
Project ID: 00106328
RFQ/2019/MUS/007 - Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Servers and ICT Equipment, including the setting-up of a Server Room at the Utility Regulatory Authority (URA)
The company will win the award for this RFQ will work with the Utility Regulatory Authority (URA) IT Officer to set up the server room, the servers, and networking equipment and provide a seamlessly integrated system of support for all servers, network hardware, network security, and recommendations for growth from an infrastructure standpoint.
Scope of proposal
- The selected vendor shall furnish and install all equipment, labour, accessories, and materials necessary for a complete, functional network in accordance with these specifications;
- The proposal must indicate the time it would take to install and test the network in the delivery; testing, commissioning and installation schedule required as part of the documents to be submitted;
- All equipment proposed must comply with relevant Government Health & Safety requirements.
- The equipment proposed by the vendor must have a warranty period of at least three years;
- The vendor shall provide a separate quote for support on all equipment proposed for a period of three months;
- The service provider shall supply all necessary software licences, installation services, parameterisation, administrator and user training, documentation, user support and technical support;
- Licensing Requirements: we have estimated that initially 12 users will need to have access to the Network. However, at the end of first year, additional 13 user licenses will be required. Vendors should, however, recommend the most cost-effective approach to the licensing requirements;
- All costs including labour and accessories for installation, licenses, training services, support for 3 months and extra costs such as travel costs, accommodation, per diem, and any other item/s must be specified;
- The annual recurring cost in terms of maintenance for 5 subsequent years should be provided (for reference purposes only). The maintenance should include access to upgrades, patches, fixes and help desk support;
- The vendor shall provide documentation on the following training to be provided:-
- adequate Administrator training to operate the equipment delivered and installed at URA;
- adequate Administrator training to manage the software delivered and implemented at URA (ex. Active Directory, Antivirus, etc.);
- training on Operating System and other systems to held exclusively for URA IT Staff on Systems Administration tasks, troubleshooting procedures and any other items as required by specific system proposed; and
- user training
Bidders will have to dispense training so that there is appropriate and adequate technology transfer that would make end-users fully conversant with the proposed System. Training should be hands-on and encompass application, and system administration. All training sessions will be held at the URA site. The practical aspects of how to deliver the training in order to minimise disruption to work can best be discussed and determined by URA. It is however important to ensure that the training:-
- should start 2 weeks prior to the whole system go-live;
- is comprehensive; and
- is timed with the availability of equipment and application software to allow staff to put their newly acquired skills in practice.
Important additional information
- The scope of the work is only illustrative, not exhaustive. The vendor shall be responsible to design, construct and commission the data centre to confirm to the best international industry standard and practices;
- Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) documents will have to be provided for every component delivered and installed;
- Your proposal should include all documents as listed at page 3 of the RFQ document (Documents to be submitted section);
- No advance payment will be made. Payment will be effected upon successful completion of the deliverables as per Table 2 in the RFQ document;
A site visit would be held for potential bidders at the premises of the Utility Regulatory Authority (URA), 8th floor, 1 Cybercity, Ebène,
on 30 August 2019 at 14:00 hrs (Mauritian time).
Bids/Quotations should be sent through email: procurement.mu@undp.org on or before 16 September 2019, Monday 16:00 hours Mauritius time
The closing date is extended to Monday 16 September - 16:00 hours Mauritius time