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00123851 - Polish Challenge Fund


UNDPIRH-202003-CFP03-POLISH CHALLENGE FUND_Annex 2_Application Form
UNDPIRH-202003-CFP03-POLISH CHALLENGE FUND_Annex 3_Budget Breakdown
UNDPIRH-202003-CFP03-POLISH CHALLENGE FUND_Annex 4_Contract Template
UNDPIRH-202003-CFP03-POLISH CHALLENGE FUND_Annex 5_Evaluation Criteria
Clarification Letter 1 - UNDPIRH-202003-CFP03-POLISH CHALLENGE FUND
Clarification Letter 2


The Polish Challenge Fund aims to respond to the development challenges by transferring Polish expertise and innovative solutions for SDGs to partner countries.

The objective of the Polish Challenge Fund is to facilitate the transfer of Polish know-how and innovative solutions that would address development challenges in Ukraine or the Republic of Belarus, and contribute to the achievement of SDGs.

The eligible Applicants include private sector entities (commercial companies), universities and research institutes registered in the Republic of Poland. The Applicants are required to engage local partners to assure viability in local conditions, and to promote sustainability and scalability of the solution.

All of the call background, criteria for selection and evaluation details can be found in the call for proposals and its attachments.


Locality: Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus

Development Challenges:

Challenge 1: Green Technologies and other Smart Solutions:

Introducing or improving the current state of green technologies and other smart solutions, which have positive impact on local communities and industries, in the field of energy efficiency, waste management, water management, smart water solutions, air pollution or sustainable agriculture.


  • Early warning system about climate-related risks at the level of local community.
  • Smart clean water solutions for the local communities and industries.
  • Effective waste management in the agriculture sector through the innovative solutions.
  • Biomimicry or nature-based solution to reduce air pollution.
  • Green technologies for energy efficiency in public buildings.
  • Green technologies for waste management with special focus on elimination of plastic use.
  • Green technologies for sustainable agriculture.

Challenge 2: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT):

Introducing or improving the current state of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and/or open data use for public services or local governance.


  • Early warning system about climate-related risks at the level of local community.
  • Enhanced  business continuity in public administration through cloud services and cybersecurity standards.
  • Citizen-centric local governance through innovative technology – develop solutions for the improved governance for the municipalities.
  • ICT solutions for better public service delivery.
  • ICT for sustainable tourism development.

Expected contract start date: 15 May 2020

Expected contract length: 7,5 months, not later than December 2020

Estimated prize: ranging between US $20,000 and US $40,000, the Applicants provide co-funding of at least 20% of the total cost of the project.

The Applicants must submit their proposals using the Application Form in Annex 2 and 3.

The Application should be sent to procurement.irh@undp.org by Thursday 16 April, 2020, Central European Time (CET), 4:00 pm.


Contact Person for Inquiries (Written inquiries only): procurement.irh@undp.org.

All questions must be received 5 days before the submission deadline. Any delay in UNDP’s response shall be not used as a reason for extending the deadline for submission, unless UNDP determines that such an extension is necessary and communicates a new deadline to the Proposers.



Thank you and we look forward to receiving your quotation.