Call for Proposals (CfP) from Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to become UNDP’s Responsible Party under Strengthening the Role of Local Communities/Mjesne zajednice (MZs) in BiH Phase 2” Project - EXTENSION O FDEADLINE!!!

Link to Atlas Project

00093109 - Revitalizing Local Communities Phase II


Call for Proposal_Responsible Parties
Annex 1_Request for Information
Annex 2_Detail sub-criteria of evaluation
Annex 3_Terms of Reference
Annex 4_format of CV for proposed experts
Annex 5_Financial proposal and timeline form


This Call for Proposals (CFP) is specifically related to and is to be submitted under the UNDP’s BIH10/00097541 – “Strengthening the Role of Local Communities/Mjesne zajednice (MZs) in Bosnia and Herzegovina Phase 2” Project, which is financed by the Government of Switzerland and the Government of Sweden, and implemented by UNDP in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in partnership with domestic authorities from all government levels and local communities.

All details are in attached documents.

Deadline for submission is 26th February until 15:00 CET

Kind regards