BIH-RFQ-112-22 Creative and technical support for the event tentatively planned for Thursday 23rd June 2022 in Sarajevo, BiH

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00094438 - Local Development Strategies - EU4Business


RfQ EU4Business final event (002)
Notice on Amendment No.1 RFQ-112-22
RfQ EU4Business final event-10-06-2022
Notice on cancellation RFQ-112-22


UNDP kindly requests your quotation for the provision of goods as detailed in Annex 1 of this RFQ.

This Request for Quotation comprises the following documents:

Section 1: This request letter

Section 2: RFQ Instructions and Data

Annex 1:  Background and Schedule of Requirements

Annex 2: Quotation Submission Form

Annex 3: Technical and Financial Offer

Annex 4: Proposed Venue Ground Plan


When preparing your quotation, please be guided by the RFQ Instructions and Data. Please note that quotations must be submitted using Annex 2: Quotation Submission Form and Annex 3: Technical and Financial Offer, by the method and by the date and time indicated in Section 2. It is your responsibility to ensure that your quotation is submitted on or before the deadline. Quotations received after the submission deadline, for whatever reason, will not be considered for evaluation.

Thank you and we look forward to receiving your quotations.

Issued by:

United Nations Development Programme in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Zmaja od Bosne bb, Sarajevo 71000