Request for Proposal for Consultancy Services to Review the Small Scale Distributed Generation Scheme and Assessing the Solar PV Market status - - RFP/MAR2016/001

Link to Atlas Project

00060842 - Removal of Barriers to Solar PV Power Generation MRU


RFPMAR2016-001 SolarPVMarketAssessment Final -19May2016
RFPMAR2016-001Sections 4 upto 7 -19May2016
Clarifications Response to Queries V1 01 June 2016
Annex 2 - Clarifications Response to Queries V2 09 June 2016
Annex 3a - Clarifications Response to Queries V3_ 16 June 2016
Annex 3b - Clarification Response to Queries V3 _ Table 2c 16 June 2016
Annex 3c - Notes of Pre-Bid Meeting SSDG final draft 16 June 2016


Project Description and Objectives

In 2011, the Global Environment Facility (GEF) funded project entitled ”Removal of Barriers to Solar PV Power Generation in Mauritius, Rodrigues and Outer Islands” was signed between the Government of Mauritius, Ministry of Energy and Public Utilities (MEPU), the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development and UNDP Mauritius with the support of GEF.

As detailed in the UNDP project document referenced PIMS 4333, the objective of the above-mentioned project “is to accelerate sustainable on-grid PV electricity generation in Mauritius by leveraging $ 17.5 million in private sector investment over its four-year implementation period. This, in turn, is expected to generate direct global benefits of almost 13,295 tons of CO2 over the same period and almost 5,318 tons CO2/yr thereafter in avoided greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The project will do this by introducing a conducive regulatory framework that will facilitate private sector participation in supplying the national grid with PV-generated electricity at market-determined prices and assist the Government in closing private sector funded PV investments. It is envisaged that this project will enable Mauritius to meet (and maybe even surpass) its target of 2% of electricity generation from on-grid PV by 2025, as established in its ‘Long Term Energy Strategy 2009-2025’.

This assignment is carried out under the ambit of Components 1 and 2 of the project document which include the formulation of a streamlined and comprehensive market-oriented energy policy,  a review of the Small Scale Distributed Generation Scheme and sustainable financing mechanisms to attract private sector investors.

Aim of the Consultancy Services

In a nutshell, the aim of this consultancy services is to lay down the foundation of a new economic subsector in the main Energy Sector in the Republic of Mauritius. In accordance with the scope of the consultancy services being sought, the outcomes of each task shall ultimately be harmonised to form part of a holistic framework that will interlink all the key elements of the new economic subsector. 

Scope of the Consultancy Services

For this consultancy services, the Consultant shall carry out six main tasks. These are as follows:

  • TASK A: Survey the Solar PV Market of the Republic of Mauritius
  • TASK B: Examine the Existing Regulations Applicable for Distributed Generation
  • TASK C: Examining Financial & Economic Mechanisms and Investment Frameworks for Solar PV Development
  • TASK D: Design Ownership Model for Multiple Market Segments
  • TASK E: Investigate and Propose Improvement for Disposal of Solar PV Wastes
  • Task F: Prepare and Present an Integrated Strategic Paper

Project ID: 00076772 Removal of Barriers to Solar PV Power Generation in Mauritius, Rodrigues & Outer Islands

Deadline for submission of Proppsal:  30 June 2016 at 16:00hrs local Mauritius Time

Deadline for submitting requests for clarifications/ questions: 8 June 2016, 16:00hrs (Local time Mauritius)

A pre-proposal conference will be held on:  A pre-bid meeting will be held with all potential bidders on Thursday 2nd June 2016 at the United Nations Development Programme, 5th Floor Conference Room, Anglo Mauritius House, Intendance Street, Port Louis at 10h30.

Annexes to RFP:

1.    RFPMAR2016-001 SolarPVMarketAssessment Final -19May2016
2.    RFPMAR2016-001  Sections 4 upto 7 - 19May2016

  •  Additions to the RFP- 1 June 2016

Annex - Clarifications  Response to Queries  V1 01 June 2016


  • 2nd Additions to the RFP- 9 June 2016

Annex 2 - Clarifications  Response to Queries  V2 09 June 2016


  • 3rd Additions to the RFP- 16 June 2016

Annex 3a - Clarifications Response to Queries  V3_ 16 June 2016

Annex 3b -  Clarification Response to Queries V3 _ Table 2c 16 June 2016

Annex 3c - Notes of Pre-Bid Meeting SSDG final draft 16 June 2016